Pre op fast
I was wondering if any/all of you had to do a pre op fast or liquid diet? I read a couple places that docs make you do one. Just wondering. I can do it. I was just wondering if they do have you do one, how long is it for?
The only thing I am worried about through this whole thing is that I am gonna gain something over the Xmas holiday weekend. My date is the 4th of January with Dr. Brams at Lahey and that is my only fear, that they'll send me home because I gained.
It depends on the surgeon. At Newton-Wellesley they don't require a pre-op fast or liquid diet. Also the last weigh-in is at the pre-op testing the week before. But since every program is different I'd question your surgeon or someone who has gone through your program. You might want to mention what program you're going through!
Good Luck,
Hi Thomas,
I totally stressed out about gaining weight after I reached my pre-op target. I actually ended up putting on about five pounds over Thanksgiving. The only thing that saved me is that someone who is a couple of weeks farther along in the same program emailed me to let me know that at my hospital, they don't weigh us on the day of surgery. So I could relax (which, ironically, allowed me to stop compulsively eating. I am going to have to work on my head issues, obviously! (smile))
Anyway, my point is that if you click on your surgeon's name, and go to his/her patient board, you might be able to check with someone in your program who has had your procedure recently, and find out if they are going to weigh you before surgery. If so, keep to that diet come hell or high water. If not, keep to the diet, but stop fretting.
As for pre-op diets, you can probably get that info from someone in your program as well.
The surgeon boards are a teriffic resource.
Best wishes,
Donna B.

Every doctor and every program is different. I would assume if your surgeon requires a pre-op diet or fasting you would have already been told so. My surgeon did not require any special diet or fasting before surgery. I just could not have anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery. My surgeon did not want to see me gain weight before surgey but I gained about three pounds before which was fine. I would advise you to call your surgeon's office to see what the expections will be for you.
Good luck on your upcoming surgery.
I had to do a 2 week liquid diet prior to my surgery. I will be very honest in saying it was REALLY tough and I cheated. The reason they make you do it is to shrink your liver so they can move it easier during your surgery. And yes, every doctor is different... some do not require you to do this. My sister in law had her surgery at NWH and she didn't have to do it but I know others that had it there and they did.
I was not weighed on the day of my surgery. My last weigh in was my pre-op appointment the week before. I weight myself in the pre-op area the day of my surgery but the weight was never recorded.