hi everyone my name ...
hi everyone my name is stephanie. my surgery date is on december12,2006. i am getting really excited and nervous at the same time. i have tolose twenty more punds before my date. i have little confidence that i will be able to do this. if you could give me a shout out of support i would appreciate it. thank you very much
(deactivated member)
on 11/8/06 9:29 pm - somewhere, MA
on 11/8/06 9:29 pm - somewhere, MA
I had surgery on 5/4/05 and am doing pretty well so far. I was advised by my surgeon to try and lose some weigt before surgery and managed to lose about 12 lbs. The big reason to lose weight pre-op can be to reduce the size of the liver slightly to make it a bit less crowded inside. The liver lays on top of the stomach and needs to be moved in order to get at the necessary area. Good luck to youin your efforts.
Hi Stephanie,
You can do it.....just cut out a few things and the weight will come off. Eating more protein and less carbs also works well for me.
I see that your surgeon is Dr Shikora.....he's my surgeon also!!
I'm having surgery in 5 days!! Tuesday 11/14.
I also live on Cape Cod......did you ever go to one of the support groups at CCH? There is one tonight at 7:30.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help....
good luck on your surgery on tuesday i will be there that day for my pre op testing. they called me yesterday to change my date for december 6, 2006 a whole week early which i of course i excepted right away. well you will be in my thoughts on tuesday. is that support group every thursday at he hospital (cch)?
Thanks for the good thoughts! I had my surgery on Tuesday, came home yesterday (Thurs) and so far so good! I'm tolerating water, broth, popsicles, jello, pudding, eggbeaters and FF creamy soups!
I don't have alot of pain.....although I am sore and it's tough sleeping as I am a side/belly sleeper and I really can't do that yet...soon I hope!!
The support group at CCH is once a month....the second Thursday of the month I believe!
How did your pre-op go?? Not much longer for you!!
Hi Stephanie
My name is Stephanie and I KNOW you can do it. Stick to the protein and cut out the things YOU know are bad for you.
Don't do diet soda-do water. Don't forget to drink at least 64 oz of water each day. You know the things that will keep you from losing weight-just stay away from them now because after surgery you will have to stay away from white bread and sweets. Go to your support meetings before surgery if there is one near you before you go to surgery.
You can do it. You have to.
Keep the faith and keep losing
Best wishes

they changed my surgery date to december 6th and i am really nervous and scared about alot of things my surgery is going to happen at tufts new england medical center in boston it is going to be live on the web cam that is a little exciting. i will be thinking of you on the 12th i hope that everything goes well for you hugs and prayers for you too.best wishes.... stephanie