Getting nervous, can't sleep
Hi all, I've been reading posts and finding info on this site for months, but never felt the need to post. Now my surgery date is near (November 16) and I'm excited, but getting somewhat nervous, as well. Mood swings are pretty wild, I'll cry at just about anything. Today I decided I can'****ch the news again till after this is all over. (OK, perhaps some of it is this menopause thing, but certainly the emotions have stepped up a notch this past week) And all of a sudden I'm feeling a need to connect with people who have gone through or are about to go through a similar experience. So give me a shout out anyone who cares to - I'd really appreciate the support.
Thanks, Diana
Dear Diana,
Your post desricbed me in my pre op days...only six days ago! My surg at St. V's was Nov. 1st.
We must be close in age because I also am dealing with hormonal issues.
The week before surgery I tried to be very honest with myself and make a list of my fears and anxietys. I kept asking... am I doing the right thing?
Today I feel so confident that I did do the right thing (good thing!), and shifted into pure excitement about feeling and looking better.
If you have any specific questions I can answer for you let me now. Please know you are in good company and sound pretty normal to me!
Take care,
Hi Diana,
i just had my surgery 8 days ago. i feel wonderful and have very little to no pain. im tolerating all the liqiuds fine. im not saying this was totally easy. i was like you the week before. i think its the fear of the unknown. i had the laparoscopic procedure done. how are you having yours done? To be totally honest with you the 1 day after surgery was the only day i could really complain about the pain. I was up walking around the next day. where are you having the surgery done? im sure everthing will go well for you .Iam home recovering so if you need anything let me know . deb
Hi Diana,
I had open RNY on 11/21/05, so it has almost been a year now. Your feelings are totally normal. As my date got closer I was always second guessing my decision. Shortly after having surgery I could say it was the best thing I could have done for myself. I feel much better as well as look much better. My quality of life has improved drastically. I was in pain my first day then I had some discomfort for a week or so due to where the incision was made. There have been many ups and downs in the beginning, getting used to my pouch and eating slowly were all learning experiences. Now I live my life like any other person as well as eating has become easily as well.
Good Luck on your upcoming surgery!
Hi Diana,
My surgery isn't until 11-30 and I am starting to get those feelings as well.
I too have had the need to reach out and connect. From everything I have been told, it is normal.
I also think some of these mood swings are from Menopause..That's been a journey in itself!
Hang in there. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Peg. G :wave

My surgery is 11/20... just four days after yours. How come I'm not nervous? I am 46 years old and not even close to menopause yet (still every 28 days like I've been my whole life). I never even knew Laparoscopic Banding existed until late summer when my sister mentioned it to me. Within three months I had gone to a meeting, booked my initial consult, went through all the routine tests, blah, blah, blah... (the shrink visit was just peachy)! and then immediately scheduled a date. I just paid my $500 fee yesterday, so there ain't NO WAY I'd even consider backing out now (not that I even want to.)
I will say this... I had a few brief moments yesterday when I was going to cancel my surgery... the first time cancelling had EVER entered my mind since I began my Lap Band Journey in August. And this was only because I was mega-pissed-off because when I got to my pre-surgical appointment, I was told the doctor was called into emergency surgery and was running an hour behind in scheduled appointments. I went ballistic... on the staff, actually. Rushing through my head were thoughts like,
"$#@$%$! this place, I don't need this $&$&@#!" But then I began to think about my options if I stormed out the door and flipped them the bird; (a) I would not have the surgery; (b) My obese life flashed before my eyes and I recalled in an instant all the years and years of being unhappy, miserable and fat; (c) I simply could not formulate a game plan on how I would lose all this excess weight. Overeaters anonymous... again??? Nutri system... again??? Weigh****chers.... again??? Starving and after losing forty pounds and then gaining back fifty... again??? Nope, I knew I had no other option on this planet other than to suck up, apologize for being rude to the staff and sit down and wait my turn.
And that was the absolute only time I have ever second guessed my decision about having Lap Band surgery. My favorite new online pass time is to look at Lap Band before/after pics. I am obessessed. Being thin is all I can think about. Slinky black dresses and stilletto heels, turning heads once more before I shrivel up with old age, making my six children proud of their pretty mama! That's all I can think about. The surgery, at this point, is just incidental.
Hope this helps you!