Really curious...New here and inquiring.......
Hola! I'm 32 yrs old and have been doing research on WLS now for a couple years in addition to doing WW. I'm down 60 pounds in over 3 years but I am just starting to feel frustrated. The scales just not moving. Originally I felt that if I had the WLS surgery it was the easy way out so I didn't want to do it but I have just turned 32 and still have over 140 pounds to loose and so.....I'm really contemplating WLS surgery because someday I want to do all the things I have dreamed of doing but with my weight I just get in my own way! Lol..... I do try so hard on WW. I write most stuff down (not always an angel but who is), Changed a lot of habits I had (drink skim milk, eat lean beef, eat more fruit, wheat everything, high fiber, the list goes on!), I research all my foods, I drink 80 oz of water a day at least...take vitamins and I'm just having a hard time staying motivated. I used to be a binge eater (never purged though) due to emotional reason and have been seeing a therapist for 2.5 yr who specializes in eating disorders. She is great and has helped me so much. I don't do the eating out of depression thing anymore or grab food just to satisfy a mood. I also started exercise and bought a treadmill and was faithful but when the scale didn't move after 3 week of walking 9-12 miles a week I really started to get discouraged. So of course I stopped like any other "no patience person" lol.... I do notice that I am a volume eater though cause I have this problem feeling full...sometimes I feel like I am crazy. I mean I stop when the points are gone but I just never feel full unless I eat way to's like there is no happy medium. Any who I just want to feel full and satisfied. I was thinking Lap band might work for me and less drastic.......
With all this said and now that I wrote a book (can you tell I am nervous?) ...I have a few questions...
Is there anyone out there that would like to share their LAP band experience with me and if so tell all.....
Has anyone gone through Dr Hess's program and what is the program he offers like? (length of time, interactions, aftercare, etc)
Want to get the ball rolling in the next week so any info so greatly appreciated! :-) Di
hi there. i just want to welcome you. i'm sort of new. meaning i haven't had surgery yet. i've been researching too for a while now. i thought that this surgery was FOR OTHER PEOPLE, until I came out of denial. i now know that i need to lose 100 pounds. i have done WW at least 100 times and have lost around 20 tops! but to gain it all back because like you said, the scale doesn't move so you get discouraged. i have no problem eating right but the weight just doesn't come off so i get pissed and say "fruck it...give me a jim dandy...make it two". so, i've already had my first consult. now waiting for approval and a date. hopefully around the beginning of january. i'm 44 years old. i don't want to be a model, but i would like to FEEL good about myself, and go for walks with my kids and husband. to be able to wake up and not say "what am I going to wear today". wouldn't it be nice to just pick something oftf the rack? lol. anyway, good luck.
Hi Diane..
I'm pretty new here also, and I'm hoping for Lap-Band surgery.
From everything I've read here and heard from other people who've had the gastric bypass, WLS is by NO means the easy way out. I mean, surgery is NEVER easy, even when things go well... it's a trauma to the body and it takes time to heal. You have to be on liquids for a couple weeks before and after the surgery, then on to pureed foods. The mental and emotional aspect isn't easy either, especially if you're a stress eater. You eat something you're not supposed to and your body will not like it, and you'll suffer some nasty side effects.
It sounds like you've put forth an honest effort to lose the weight, and it's just NOT happening. WLS is a HUGE step, and certainly not to be taken lightly... it's definately supposed to be a life changing procedure, and a wonderful tool in getting your weight under control... but WLS is just that... a TOOL. Along with the surgery, you have to eat right even after you're healed and can tolerate stuff again, and exercise, too.
Good luck, and I hope you find the answers you seek!
welcome to the board. Yeah, like you I had done WW for a few years and would lose and gain it back. Food is an addiction for us and has to be treated as such. By no means is WLS an easy way out. I had mine on the 30th and am still limping around. I chose the abd RNY because there is much better long term weight loss. It's easier to cheat with the lap band. In fact there have been several recent post about people having had the lap band now having the RNY or similar procedure because of cheating and weight gain. But people have to make the right choice for them. Anyway, welcome aboard. Really read up on the posts and see what others have suggested in your area. It really does help and make a difference. Good luck!
Hi Diane,
I'm in Dr. Hess' RNY program (just starting!) but a very good friend of mine (in TX) had her lap band done about 8 months ago and is down close to 90 pounds. I think Dr. H is wonderful! From what I can gather about his program its' about a 6 month process with scheduled appointments throughout. I was told a year ago (before I chickened out) that if I missed one appt., it had a snowball effect on all of them and the rescheduling would be a royal imposition. I know the group sessions are highly suggested, and its' something I'm going to need. (I'm a food addict and this extra 100 pounds is an unwelcome visitor) There are medical tests too, gallbladder, blood, (I'm diabetic and have had a few cardiac events so this is why I need to get that weight off), breathing tests, psych and nutrition appointments.... I guess a lot more than just ... "Ok I'm fat, and I wanna be bout it?" Everyone enters the programs for medical over vanity reasons, but the before and afters don't lie. That's GENUINE smiles and JOY on those faces! I want some of THAT too!!
I've done the WW thing too. 18 weeks at $13/week and lost a whopping total of 1.5 pounds. I have meds that make me gain, and lots of frustration that takes care of the rest. One thing I know pre-program is that the reasons we overeat are what we need to tackle. You're on the right track by getting help for that! I've quit most of my addictive behaviors (well, the ones that could kill me anyway) but food? I can't quit that cold-turkey! So I need to learn to the why's and how to fix's. I can't wait for this program just for that alone!!! That, and to feel good. It's been 37 years since I have and I honestly can't remember feeling healthy...unless I was weightlifting and I can't pump the iron the way I used to. But after surgery and after a few years of being healthier, who knows? My goal is to be the best ME I can. I finally want that bad enough!
I'll make a deal with you.....I'll get back on the treadmill if YOU will?! Whaddaya say?

Deirdre, Shelly, Kathleen & Marie - I just want to thank you all for getting back to me. I really felt all your response**** home. I have my appoint with Dr Hess on Dec 22 and I am going to attend a support meeting at Quincy Hospital on Monday November 13. I'm hoping I get somewhat of a feel of what to expect during the program during the support meeting. Has anyone been to the meetings at Quincy Hospital?
Also - Does anyone know if you may be able to have the surgery a little sooner then the norm if you have already had your gallbladder removed and you get some sort of documentation on the fact that you have been seeing a therapist for eating for 2yrs? I have been researching this for so long and really was never ready but NOW that I am.... I am kind of bummed they told me 6-8 months when I spoke to the receptionist at Dr Hess's office.
Marie - and Yes I will get back on the treadmill if you do! :-)
Hi Mary! Thanks for the info. Congrats on making the move and I wish you nothing but happiness! :-) I would love to stay in touch and see how you progress.
I wish i had made the decison earlier now that i am so gung-ho and OK/comfortable with my choice. Couple questions for you if you don't mind me asking. What hospital are you going out of and with what Dr? Also what sort of tests/appointment did you have to complete and what were the appointments you were able to bypass?
Any info you have greatly appreciated.
on 11/6/06 4:09 am - On the Beach, WA
on 11/6/06 4:09 am - On the Beach, WA
Hi Di, I am 2 weeks post op and would love to talk to you. So far, I have nothing but positive to tell you. You should check out the lap band message board. That is were I really learned all I know and the women there are a tremendous source of strength and information. Mumma