Great day yesterday for testing!
All my pre-op testing went fantastic. Very organized. It was like a factory!
Get'em in and get'em out!
I only needed the average tests. Blood work, EKG, consults w/ anesthesia and surgical. I had recently had a stress test and echocardiogram for my heart disease, so I just brought those reports with me.
A lot of worrying for nothing!
I'll tell you one really became REAL after yesterday. Let's get this party started!!
Peg G

Hi Peg, My surgeon is Dr. Hutter and I will be having the RNY gastric bypass. I think my surgical coordinator is the same for your surgeon - Jessica. I haven't had a chance to meet her yet.
It must have felt like forever before you got this close to your day! I feel like I'm gonna blow up waiting until March!
Again, I wish you lots of luck on your surgery and keep us posted on your progress!
I'd love to hear from you.

The time between now and surgery will FLY, you'll be thinking about what to pack, what to have ready for when you get home, things to do before you leave for the hospital... In no time you'll be checking in that morning.. Congratulations on your decision I'm saving a place on the "losers" bench for ya