Dr. John Kasper in Springfield area
Hi everyone!
I just found out that, with my insurance, this is THE only surgeon that I can use for the lap-band procedure. He's been cleared to perform this procedure not that long ago, although I know he has a decent reputation on other surgical procedures.
So, is there ANYONE in the greater Springfield area that has used him for the lap-band? Or, for any procedures at all... I'm just looking for feedback regarding him and his staff. I have my first appt. with him on Nov. 16th. I'm also seeing the weight management doc, who has the dietician and psych. on staff.
Anyways, any help I can get would be appreciated!
Hi Shelly!
What kind of insurance do you have? I've yet to hear about Kasper doing Lap-Band!
I know he is a good surgeon, as he has did surgery on my Daf and Grandmother...I would inquire how many bands he has actually placed. From reading on the boards, in-experience can cause lots of trouble down the road. I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Haag...he's SUPER, and yet I thought all insurances in Western Mass used him as a provider...I would just call his office and ask...his # is 736-3163. If you would like for info you may always E-Mail me. Do you have a surgery date yet?
Give Dr. Haag's office a call and see if he accepts your med insurance.
Good Luck to you!
surgery date 10/23/05
Hi KiKi...
Due to my insurance... I have Health New England, but I'm an employee of Mery Hospital, so I HAVE to have my surgery done there, and Dr. Haag's group (Fiallo, Alexander) doesn't do them there anymore.
VERY disappointed about that!! So, Dr. Kasper is the only one, and he JUST RECENTLY started doing the Lap-Band. I feel like I'm going to be his 'guinea pig', but I NEED to do this, and unfortunately, my options are limited. I just can't afford to pay all the fees if I were to go out of network. Even if I switched to a PPO, it'd be close to $6,000.00. Can't do it.
But, I'm happy to hear he's a good surgeon, at least! ;)
PS: No date yet, I meet with him on Nov. 17th, and I've started doing what their office needs me to do.