I feel achy and tired
I need some help. Since I had my surgery on August 7th, I've felt tired and achy on and off. For the last week, I've been sleeping so much because I just felt tired, achy and now nautious. What is going on? Has anyone else felt achy after the surgery. I'm getting in a good amount of water, vitamins and protein. What's wrong??????
Not sure about the achy part, but I can tell you I was EXHAUSTED after surgery and it lasted 4 or 5 months! I'd come home every day from work and nap just to catch up on sleep. Everyone told me how you get all this energy after surgery so I waited and waited but nothing... Even now, I still have days where I nap to catch up on sleep.
As far as being nauseous, that still happens to me when I eat too fast or eat even a 1/2 bite too much! I learned early that my dumping signs weren't
my dumping is feeling nauseous, sweats, heart palpitations, dizzyness.. Maybe you aren't eating slow enough or what you're eating isn't agreeing with your new stomach? I find chicken is too dry for me at times so I started buying perdue short cuts. They're very moist and agree with my stomach.
Another thing that sometimes helps settle stomachs is water with fresh lemon. Maybe that will help?
hope you feel better!

Hi patricia,
I had my surgery 8/9/06 and im 37lbs. lighter but I too feel tired and my ache is more like a stomach ache (hard to explain) I take vitamins but I think its the lack of protein was bothering me...I dont have much of an apetite so I think thats why im tired. and when I get the duming syndrom it not worth getting out of bed for me.
Im drinking water and im able to tolarate gingerale. I hope it gets better from now on.
sometimes I cant tell when im full I dont know why, are you able to tell??
I hope you feel better soon. take care
Thanks for responding . I had a series of blood tests and my doctor is actually looking at mono because I had elevated liver enzymes. He's also looking into a problem with my gallbladder, which I had before. I don't know about you, but I'm NOT looking forward to another surgery.
Anyway, I also have no idea when I'm full, but I learned that if you eat really slowly (which is really hard for me), you can have more of a gage on how quickly your pouch is filling up.
Hope we all feel better soon.

I hope you all are feeling better. Have you heard of the book by commedian Jackie Guerra "Under Construction" That is a great story of her life journey and experience with WLS. I actually bought it some time ago and she mentions that it is not unusual to feel so tired and achy for awhile because your body has to adjust to no longer getting all those carbs. It is a traumatic change for our bodies. Also, if any one goes to Zooba.com, all hardcover books are nine ninety five with no shipping costs. I think you could find her book there. It is well worth the read....Good luck to you all. And, I am going to take a nap because I am so tired!