2 months post-op...what to expect??
Hello friends,
It's been a while since I posted. I hope everyone is doing well. well it's been 2 month since my surgery( RY gastric bypass) and I've lost 32lbs...yes!! I have to say I been having a tough time with some some, its no joke to have that dumping syndrom.
I learning what agrees with me and what does not....my question is that I'm suppose
to be eating a lot of protein( 60grams a day) but for some reason I am not craving fish,poultry,eggs and if I make my self eat then I get ill.
Can anyone please share with me if they have the same problem and what they did to correct it, I don't want to get sick by not eating my protein but it's hard to eat what
Im not craving...any advice please.
Thank you, Debra

Hi Debra. I relied on boiled eggs, cheese sticks, Atkins protein bars, and the best Whey protein powder-Jay Robbs (I found it at Whole Food Store and on line at his web site),Hoods Simply Smart 1% milk, peanut butter, soy nuts, almonds, and tuna. I used FitDay.com to help me track my daily intake. Stagger your intake, but don't make it a grazing all day long.
Protein is so key in our being successful, taking in enough calories and carbs is too. My nutritionist and weight management doctors helped me realize that I was not eating enough to have and sustain a successful weight loss. I think you are doing well with your weight loss at 2 months out. Each pound is a great step. I also had to learn to chew chew chew and eat slowly. I had many what I call "Stupid Monica Tricks" moments....where I pushed the envelop of this journey and made myself sick. Like I tried to eat a green grape 5 weeks out and I got the foamies and so sick, or the time 2 months out that I tried to eat bacon, or a grilled hamburger--to grilled and it hurt and stuck in my new pouch for what seemed like hours.
Much of this journey is mental and emotional as well as physical. Focus on your success so far, be good to yourself, follow the rules.
Monica, age 59, healthier, happier, sexier, and so thankful