Anyone going to NWH meeting this Tuesday?
Hi Angela,
I don't see why you can't go. I know you have to attend the new patient orientation (last Thurs of the month) before you see the doctor, but they encourage you to attend as many meetings as possible before and after surgery. If you haven't made your consult appt yet I would do it - I made mine the night of the meeting (8/31) and took the first avail appt which is 11/22.
If you do go, look for me! (I know my pic is lousy - it doesn't look like that on my hard drive - but try to look for me!)
I think I might try to go tonight, I was just at the meeting on Thursday though. I cant make any commitments. As for my experiences so far have been great. I attended my new patient meeting on 6/29 and had surgery 10/3 i had my consult moved from 8/30 to 7/26 by asking to be put on the cancelation list. I weighed in on my first appt at 309 on my second appt I was 297 and on preop day (9/27) I was 289 My first post op visit I was 268. Im loosing steady now its apx .75-1.0 pound a day. I expect that to slow down some. I am reading all labels to make sure it doesnt have too much sugar. I am driving my husband nuts but thats okay I guess! I feel wonderful. I would not change anything at all. Im very happy. About the time off..... The doctor put on the disability paper work that I would be out till 11/20 On my first visit I told him I dont want to be out that long, and in fact the longest I want is to be out till the first monday of November. He said not a problem. My problem is that Im already board. He told me I could probally go back 25 hours a week starting next week, That might be way too soon. As for pain I felt alot imediatly after surgery. This felt like this for about 12 hours or so. By 7pm surgery day I was pressing my PCA only once every 35-45 minutes. Wednesday the doctor said I looked great and if I continued the progress I was makeing I would be able to leave 1 day early. My pain level was a 4 till they removed the drainage tube. Then it went to a 2, by monday 10/9 I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach, By last thursday I felt nothing at all, Tuesday I completly stoped the pain meds. I cant believe it but today I feel like I didnt even have surgery. Today i am 14 days out.
Thanks for all the info! If you decide to go tonight look for me.
I'm surprised Dr. Gazmuri told you 2 weeks to go back to work. At my Orientation meeting Dr. Partridge said the first 4-6 weeks were very important to focus on yourself and your diet and to not rush back to work. I am planning to be out for 4 weeks minimum.
Planning to be out for 4 weeks is a good idea. Even though you are recovered from the surgery, the whole schedule of eating, drinking water and walking is all consuming. As soon as my kids were out of camp and not yet in school (for me about 9 weeks out) my eating got all screwed up and for the first time I threw up and dumped because I was eating too fast and drinking too soon after eating. It's good not to have distractions!!
By the way, I'm 17 weeks out, down 80 lbs, 22 away from my goal and 16lbs away from a normal BMI. And I feel GREAT!
Your profile was one of the ones I enjoyed reading when I first discovered OH. I must confess that I check it regularly. I think it is AMAZING how wonderful you look and how quickly it has come off! You give me hope.
I met Dr. Gazmuri tonight and he was very nice. I was worried about which doctor to pick (my consult is w/Dr Partridge) and he said I am chosing the practice, and that they do the surgeries together, and I may end up seeing him if Dr. Partridge is away on vacation, etc. So I guess we get the whole package.
Thanks for the advice about time off work. I don't know how you do it w/twins. I am single, no kids and I can barely get myself out of the house in the morning. My sister's twins are 4, and while I love them dearly, they are exhausting!
Thanks again,

Yup, exhausting is definitely the word for it!!
Dr. Gaz and Dr Patridege are both really good (though Dr Gaz is a bit more warm and fuzzy). And the practice and the hospital are great!! You'll do wonderfully.
Now that I know someone's reading I guess I should finish updating my profile with the post-op stuff!!
Be well,