Fallon Community Health Plan- Select

Angela M.
on 10/6/06 11:08 am - Worcester, MA
Im just wondering if anyone else has my insurance (Fallon Select)...and what surgeons in MA they went too. I am now in the Fallon Clinic program in Worcester and Im just researching my options! If anyone can provide me with any information on what they went through it would be great! And if you could provide a website about your surgeon or program that would be even more awesome! Thanks everyone!
on 10/6/06 10:17 pm - Holden, MA
Hey Angela, I called the program at UMASS to see if they took our insurance and they do. Your so close at the Fallon program why are you looking.... we just need to get together and start walking and it will happen faster than you think....... Lauren
Angela M.
on 10/7/06 1:41 am - Worcester, MA
I know Lauren but Im just researching my options because I've been in limbo for almost 2 years now. Most people wait this long when fighting for insurance approval...I'm just waiting for the team to approve me. I mean cmon ask me anything about the surgery- I can explain it in detail including medical terms, tell you every complication, risks associated, after-life, requirements, risk factors, psychological effects, EVERYTHING- I have been through two 6 week behavior modification classes, month follow ups, massive amounts of nutrition programs, got my own councelor, have lost 20lbs, even bought protien samples, but oh no- THEY WON"T EVEN LET ME MEET THE SURGEON YET!!! Its so frustrating. It's like okay so...if I die from a heart attack in the next couple weeks because of obesity complications- are you guys going to feel bad that I could have been thin by now and HEALTHY but you just are on a massive power trip and basically want to ruin peoples lives? It's not like Im a non compliant patient...I dont smoke, drink caffiene, I work out, I do not eat junk food, and I do EVERYTHING they tell me too....MAN lol Okay finally I got that out but yea walking is great CALL ME SOMETIME!!!!!!!!!
on 10/7/06 6:07 am - Holden, MA
You'll get there I know you will....and no matter where you decide to get it done I will be there...I am so proud of you for doing all the things you've done already. Just that in itself is a big accomplishment. Your right you do need to meet with a surgeon and get things rolling and if its going to be somewhere else then go for it. I'm starting to feel like I might want to pick another program too. Let me know what you find out.....and I will call you I just have to work up the nerve....lol.....
Angela M.
on 10/7/06 12:02 pm - Worcester, MA
Ms. Lauren...LOOK I know exactly how you feel, 100%...SOOOOOO that's why we are good for each other! CALL ME...we have to go to a meeting together anyways!! I read your profile and your awesomely amazing so don't be down on yourself- I gotcha back! We are pals, your stuck with me now!! And yea I found a gym near W. Boylston near walmart that you only pay $10 a month, no contract, no joining fee- lets go sweat! haha
on 10/7/06 11:04 am - WHITINSVILLE, MA
Hi there, I do have Fallon Select and I work for FCHP!!! There are no issues with having the surgery - and your best bet is the UMASS Memorial Weight Center - they are amazing, they are not as strict as FALLON CLINIC (Which is not the same company is Fallon Community Health Plan ). Fallon Clinic will make you lose the 10 percent but Umass will just make sure that you are able to lose a little bit and make sure you are trying, but I had Dr. John Kelly (CHief of surgery at Umass) and he is AMAZING Here is the website for the Weight Center at Umass: http://www.umassmemorial.org/ummhc/hospitals/med_center/services/weight-center/services.cf m If you have any questions please feel free to email anytime. The first thing to do is call the weight center and they will help you all the way through! Sandi M Surgery July 17th, 2006 Total lost so far, 67 lbs!!!
on 10/15/06 7:22 am - WORCESTER, MA
Hey there worcesterrite!! i'm from worcester too! Umass is great...if you have another 1 to 2 years to wait!!! i've been researching this for around 1 year now and I've made my decision to have it done. i researched different hosptals around the area and different docs. i started with umass, but i've been fat for too long and i didn't want to wait another year (or more) before even getting an appointment with the doc! a friend of mine had the surgery. she had Fallon. They denied her (350 lbs) and she fought! she went to Newton Wellsley and had the surgery around 5 months later! she's lost 150 pounds and it hasnt even been a year. I decided to go to NWH. I had my seminar already. (excellent doc). Made my appointment for the doc, december 27th (four hours). i meet with the doc, dietician, physc ALL IN THE SAME DAY! surgery is then SCHEDULED for 3 months after that! this should be my last fat winter! umass is WONDERFUL if you want to wait. John Kelly is the "best", but there are a whole lot of other "great docs" out there. plus i work for umass and it's really nobody's business what i'm having done. call NWH and go to their seminar. they only require you to go to one seminar and two meetings after that!!! Simple!! that's what I wanted. Dr. Sheila Partridge, Dr. Guzmari. look them up. i wish i had their web site, but it's at work. the staff is sooooooooo nice too!!!!Good Luck
Angela M.
on 10/16/06 9:49 am - Worcester, MA
I dont know if anyone is still reading this thread but UGHHHHHHHHHHH Im so frsustrated and depressed over this stupid **** Ive been with Fallon Clinic for TWO FREAKIN YEARS already and surgery IS NOT on the horizon apparently. But Ive come so far in the program it will be so dumb for me to just leave now and start over somewhere else. Im so frustrated- I wish I started at UMASS or at least NWH a year ago. I would be a lot thinner and healthier by now. IM SO AGGRAVATED. Anyone wanna kick me in the ass and help me look on the bright side (if there is one) because I really need it. Im so ready to give up. Ive lost weight constistently for the past 5 weeks and this week is going to ruin my streak because I cant stop eating- thats what I do when I feel like this. It sucks. Ughh. Well nobody is probably going to read this so Ill get off the soapbox. Sorry.
on 10/17/06 5:59 am - WORCESTER, MA
Angela, I'm so glad I found you again. With this new oh web site, I thought I'd lost your post. Listen. Call 671-243-3724, hit 0 when operator comes on. Ask for marina. Tell her your situation. She will advise you on what you should do. Please call her. They are all so nice there. Your worth it. It's not that far from worcester. Around 25 minutes. Honest. Email me and let me know what your doing. You can get in as early as first of the year. Do it!!!!!!!!
Angela M.
on 10/17/06 6:14 am - Worcester, MA
I called Marina today around 10 and I have an appointment for Jan 10th. Im going to the meeting tonight and after the meeting on the 26th I will be added to the cancellation list. Thanks for the support and information, Ill keep you updated on how things go!!
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