Bypass or Lap Band?
Hi Joanne
I had open RNY on 11/21/05 at Lawrence Memorial Hospital in Medford, Ma with Dr. Randall. I also had a hernia repair at the same time. I had no complications I stayed in the hospital for 3 nights. I stopped taking pain meds during the day after 5 days. I needed them at night for a few weeks. My body went through many changes food that i used to love such as chicken I couldn't stand the smell of never mind to eat it. Before surgery I drank a large amount of soda. In the beginning I missed it now I can't believe I used to drink so much of it. I needed to learn how to eat and follow the rules. I did get sick in the begining because I didn't eat slow enough or I didn't chew my food well enough. After vomitting a couple of times I learned quickly on how I needed to eat.
I chose the RNY because I wanted to loose weight quickly and I also wanted restictions of dumping. I was not heavy all my life and making the wrong food choices is where it got me to be looking into WLS. I believe with the lap band you can eat anything without any reprocutions. You also need to in for fills. I have also read many posts that people who get the lapband later to have a revision of the RNY.
Keep inb mind it is a personal choice. Keep researching on both and figure out what works best for you!
Good Luck!
Well, you're partially right about the reprocutions. We can eat anything we like without having to worry about malabsorbtion or dumping or any other serious complication from the RNY, but we have to be careful because most 'junk food' will get stuck (except for icecream). Food getting stuck feels like a minor heart attack and not a reprocution that I would like (or most bandsters for that matter) to happen more than once! Also, the fills are no more painful or hassel than getting bloodwork done (but much quicker). I like the fact that I'm completely adjustable. I'm not stuck with what the dr. gave me. If I feel that I'm able to eat too much, I just go in and get 'filled'. If the fill is too much, I can get some taken out. (which hasn't happened yet on both accounts). I also like the fact that if it becomes a problem or it needs to be reversed for some medical reason, it can be. That was my selling point.

If you have seen a lap-band device or have gone to any meetings you should know about the fills....thats the main point of lap-band. There's a port under your skin and they can make your band tighter or looser to suit your weight loss. If you don't yet know the process I would wait to get it done. You can find alot of info about it on and this website.
Hi Joanne,
I am choosing lap band. I didn't consider gastric bypass once I saw the difference in complication rates (much higher) and long term weight loss (about the same).
I am someone who likes to have a plan B. The lap band doesn't forever alter your anatomy! With gastric bypass there is no going back once your stomach has been surgically altered plus you have to be monitored for nutritional deficiencies for the rest of your life too. Some folks who have gastric bypass manage to stretch their pouches then have to have a lap band place on it.
Read all the literature. You'll make the best decision for yourself!
I would be careful thinking the lap band is reversible. Someone I know pretty well had her stomach twist around and get strangled by the band, and had to have emergency surgery for it's removal. Due to the damage to her stomach, another band is out of the question, as is RNY. I'm not knocking the band, the results have been good, and I know others as well that the band works for, but if it should ever need to come out, you possibly will still have a damaged stomach to show for it.