Looking for a hot protein drink
Hello everyone,
I have been having the same "stuff" for a while now. Surgery was 12/12/05 and have lost about 85 lbs since surgery.
I drink Jay Robb Vanilla whey protein for breakfast and occ as a snack if I haven't gotten enough protein.
Since its getting colder in the AM here is Mass I am looking for something I can drink on the way to work (I have a 45 min drive to work) I started drinking Italian cappaccino from General Foods but the first ingredient is SUGAR!! and no protein in it!! (but tastes good-too good!)
Anyone know of something like a warm maybe coffee or cocoa drink that has some protein??

I have yet to try it but www.smartforme.com has hot chocolate w/ like 17 grams of protein. I got a sample that I am going to try tonight because I want to place an order for some of the other protein drinks that I really like. Good luck