I got a date!!
Congratulations! You are going to do great! A friend of mine who I met at one of NWH meetings is having her surgery on the 22nd so you will be there at the same time. Look for her walking in the halls, her name is Trish. Is Dr. Thayer doing your surgery? I thought he was retiring in August??? Maybe he's waiting a bit longer. Good luck!!!!
Thank you! I have actually been talking to Trish via email an will hopefully see her Thurs night at the meeting. Yes Dr. Thayer is doing my surgery, he's done at the end of the month. When I went to my pre-patient meeting he was the surgeon there and said that there was probably only one person in the room he would be able to operate on because he was retiring, I was hoping it was me because I was having my consult w/ him the following week. It looks like I was
How are you doing? Thanks for the support.

Hi Gwen,
Glad to know you'll soon be on the losers bench ! We still are looking forward to meeting you and your husband one of these days - maybe this fall you'll come to one of our support group meetings in Hyannis. We're planning a picnic for Sept 16th at Nickerson State Park 11 am to 4 pm ( which is free to Mass. residents in the daylight hours).. everyone will bring enough to feed whomever they bring along and if anyone wants to bring something to share / pass around that's ok too but not mandatory - this way nobody has to pay for anything or be collecting from anyone - we'll just spend a fun family afternoon together...
Email me anytime... I'm so happy to know you're on your way - your surgery is the day after my birthday !
Hi Joyce,
I am hoping to get over to a few meetings over there eventually we'll see how things go it's hard logistics wise sometimes. Thanks for letting me know about the picnic of course that's the weekend we are heading to CT for our nephews christening which will be my 1st "event" post-op. I had to remind my sister not to count me in the head count for food LOL. Thanks soo much for the support and Happy Birthday to you!!