Looking for assistance w/Program times
I have been going to Dartmough Hitch**** (Lebanon) NH for the last 9 months and I am part of their GBS system. I had hoped to have my surgery by this time. I am still in the process of meeting with the Nurse prac's. I have been told that they are very busy and I need to be patient. (They have had my completed package since April of this year)
I have all my tests, psychological eval (2-in fact) and class work done with Dartmouth yet I have been told that it will be about another 5 months before I will most likely have the surgery.
What has been your experience with the centers in Massachusetts? I am looking at having my PCP advocate for me to go outside our network to a center in Mass. When I spoke to my insurance company the rep I spoke to said that I might be able to do this...But I need to know that another program wont make me wait again! I am looking for a safe place to have my surgery but in this decade!
Thanks in advance for any replies! ~Sharon

hi, sharon
i hope other folks will be more encouraging than i. i had lapband surgery on 7/31/06. i started the processs in february and i found the process cumbersome. my relationship with the staff was strained. i did not find them to work in a timely fashion and basically their response to me was always the same -- they know what they are doing, it's their program, and i just had to wait. i tried my best to go along and get along. maybe this is how these programs work, i don't know.
anyway, things worked out (they usually do). i had my surgery at salem hospital in salem, massachusetts. today, i am six pounds lighter and i am hoping to have a better post-op relationship with the staff.
hi Sharon,
9 months and still don't have a date??? I had surgery at Saints Memorial in Lowell almost 5 months ago! I went to the info night the first week in Dec 05, waited 2 weeks to make my initial appt, appt scheduled for the following week (last week in dec), saw the nutritionist beginning of Jan, completed tests, psych eval, labs, support groups over the next 2 months and had surgery March 13th.
I started with Dr. Drinkwaters program in Nashua, he resigned and the program closed. Since then St. Joseph's in Nashua opened a program, closed that location and moved to Southern NH. I honestly think it was the best sign I've ever received! I've heard of peoples frustrations with other programs, but I can tell you I had an incredible surgeon who checked on her patients every day while in the hospital and went above and beyond with follow ups (had chest pain from drinking too fast, but she scheduled me for an upper gi and a few other tests just incase something was wrong). The staff for the program is great (2 nutritionists, 3 surgeons, 1 nurse practitioner, clinic mgr, a person working on insurance, couple receptionists and psych) they're also adding more surgeons because the program is in demand!
Dr. Shore is my doctor, great bedside mannor, professional, had extra bariatric training at a boston hospital... I can go on forever about her!!
The program just moved from Saints Memorial to Lowell General because they're expanding and Saints wasn't working with their needs (more room, etc). Honestly Lowell General is a better hospital than Saints so I think all of us will be happy with the change
hope the info helps you! feel free to email me if you have particular questions about the program

I went to Brigham & Women's in Boston. It went very fast, I got my appointment at my consult (and just called up and made an appointment for that, no pre-requirements, no pre-interview with nurse, no mandatory support groups, no weight loss). I am very happy with my choice. I am 1 year out and have lost 150 pounds! From picking up the phone to surgery was 2 months (and would have been sooner but I could not take the first date they had). They will accept all the tests you have had in NH, just bring them with you to the consult.
Please e-mail me with any questions, I will be glad to answer them.
Wow, thanks to you all!!!
As you guessed from my email, I am so tired of waiting...and feeling that I am just a number in the Lebanon system. I would be open to either the Manchester or Massachusetts programs (I live in Fitzwilliam and I am only 6 miles from the Mass boarder...so it is just about a toss up in distance). Honestly, now that I know that I am healthy (by all the tests I have done and counseling sessions I have had) I want the surgery to be behind me. I also have work issues to deal (our busy season, etc) with and DMHC-Leb doesnt seem to care much about this. I would like to have the surgery ASAP but by the week before T-giving.
Carrie - did you ever get my email... I think it was last week I emailed you (relating to this very topic and your experience about B&W)?

I just started the process on 6/29 when I went to my first new patient seminar at newton wellsely hosptial. I was told that I couldnt make my first appt till I attened that seminar. So I did and got a first consult date of 8/30, I reqested to be put on the cancelation list so if anyone canceled I could slide into that appt. I did get in earlier 7/26 was my first consult. I got my sugery date in the mail apx 1 week after my appt. They did give me a choice to pick my own date and if it was available then they would work with me to get me in. My sugery date is 10/3/06. You can check out the website at http://www.newtonwellesleywls.com/content/16.htm good luck.
Wow that was quick!!!
Carrie- still didn't get the email.. funny cause about a month ago I stopped getting any messages from OH (except what is posted here) Try [email protected]
Well, Monday I called B&W, but wasn't able to speak to Eileen until Tuesday (Dr. Lautz's assistant). She laughed at how long DMHC takes... and asked if I could make the orientation meeting that night, if I did she would schedule me with Dr. Lautz on 9/28. Said she couldn't see any reason (except my insurance not letting me go out of network to Mass) with me not having this all done by November 8th! What a concept... a facility that understands! I trust B&W (I had my daughter there 15 years ago and had great treatment)
Again, thanks to all that replied... I will keep you up to date as I hopefully proceed. ~sharon