Anyone else having probs getting ANY appts. at MGH?
My PCP sent over my referral form almost 3 weeks ago. I've called several times to try to get my initial appointment scheduled and the coordinator told me that the program director is still "prioritizing" patients.
I understand that I'm listed as 'routine' (and not urgent or emergent), but this is pretty ridiculous IMHO. About 2 years ago, I was in a medical weight loss program at Tufts (I've gained about 30 lbs. since then & now qualify for surgery...I didn't before) and they were much more efficient. I was leaning toward MGH b/c they're much closer to my work so they'd be easier to get to/from appointments. Is this normal with MGH? If so, I'm gonna try back with Tufts regardless of the convenience factor. The MGH coordinator told me 2 weeks ago that they were scheduling into late Aug./early Sept. on routine this rate, my INITIAL appointment won't be until December!!!

Betsey -
MGH does take a while (a very frustrating while) to get you started in the process. I think the wait is worse during the summer because of people's vacations. I started the process last August and it did seem to take forever to get in initially. That being said - it is a great program and the surgeons are awesome. I had Janey Pratt do my surgery on January 3 and I had no problems at all. I can't tell you anything about the Tufts program and how it compares. I do remember how frustrating the wait was to get in at the beginning. good luck!