Anyone having surgery on Monday at BIDMC?
Hey Judy,
Good luck tomorrow. You will do great. I was in room 923 & it has a really nice view. Dr. Jones will come to see you every day that you are in and if you don't feel that you are ready to go home on the first day they offer you then by all means say so. I was not ready on Wed. to be on my own and so he said tomorrow it is. I had a few complications they needed to address however. For walking I was doing all of the wings on that floor and to the second set of elevators and into the family room.
You will be thinking that you just made the biggest mistake of your life on day one but don't worry I am here to tell you that it gets better every day. By the way tell Dr. Scott (Army Dr.) that I said hi. He was really great and easy on the eyes too lol ;)
Let me know how you do as soon as you can.
As of this morning I have already lost 13 lbs. WOOHOO for me!!!

You GO girl! I don't know if I can get home on Weds b/c my son has Thursday off and he is my driver. I am so glad you are doing ok- I was worried when you didn't post. How are you doing with fluids and protein drinks? Is it hard having to be constantly sipping? Be sure to get those fluids in. I hope your parents were there to help out.
Wow- 13 pounds in ONE week!!!! That is so cool.
I had a meltdown this weekend and cried all day Saturday- now it's out of my system. My family has been a big disappointment in terms of support, and it's unusual. So, I'm really happy and grateful that I heve this forum and the wonderful people on it, for support. See you on the other side, and keep up the good work! Judy

I know too well the support part but I have to say that my dad did come around when I helped him out in the yard with clean up. Well somewhat anyways.
I am so sorry that you had a meltdown but you know what if you needed to have one then it was better to get it over with than to have it tomorrow.
I am not having a problem with drinking so much as I am getting in my protien. I tried a drink last night and it didn't make me vomit but didn't sit well either. I am now on to find other ways of drinking it.
I will be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers tomorrow and hope that you get a great nights sleep tonight. You will do great Dr. Jones is awsome!!!
I posted a reply to your meds question on the lightweights site.
Good luck tomorrow sister!!!