Question about Hospital Stay.
I am having the lapband done on August 11th at Baystate by Dr. Fiallo. I have to report to the Chestnut Center. Does anyone know if that is a day surgery center? I think Cheryl said that because my BMI was 40 that she would put me in for a 24 hour stay. I assumed that was one night. Has anyone had this as day surgery? I go back to Fiallo in July and I will ask him but I was just curious. Thanks!
Hi...I'd like to suggest you post also to the lap band forum here at obesityhelp - it's a very active and friendly board and I'm sure you'll get a lot of responses to your questions. You can find it by clicking the forums tab up top and then choose Lap Band from the Surgery Types Forums list. Best of luck in your endeavors! And you are MOST welcome to continue posting on the mainboard as well - just that you'll find more of those with your surgery type on the other forum.
OH Staff

I had my lapband done at Brigham and Women's and they require a one-night stay as they don't want you to have anything (not even ice chips) by mouth until they do a barium test to make sure all is good and then they want you taking liquids before they send you home.
Ask your doctor what to expect afterwards. I had my surgery early in the morning and was up and walking around the floor that afternoon.
Good Luck,