HI All
Well I picked up my CPAP Machine last night & have been to the Psycologist to get my meds fixed. He switched me from Paxil to Prozac.
I just started it so I am hoping that things will be ok. Anywhoooo I got no sleep at all last night. This struck me as odd because I sleapt like a baby in the sleep lab. I keapt waking up chokeing (mouth breathing) I also keapt waking up with it off of me (guess I must have gotten some sleep since I don't remember taking it off
Any ways I go see Dr. Jones on Wed. to schedule my surgery day. I really hope that they have an opening for the last week of June. If not I would like to get in the week of the 4th. Then I would have two days of paid holiday and save myself two days of vacation for the end of the year and other types of things. I am so lucky that I work for a Co. that gives me 3 wks vacation time and 1 wk. of sick (already used half of it for flu and migranes). Plus I am going to be allowed to take 3 wks of short term dissability.
Ok guess I have babbled enough,
Hugs for everyone,

Hi April!
I'm from Leominster too and I was not a fan of the CPAP machine until I started waking up refreshed and no longer was tired during the day. CPAP does work but it takes some time to adjust to it. After I lost about 50 pounds I was able to turn my CPAP in to the medical device rental company since I no longer needed it.
Good luck on your weight loss journey!!