biting nails
I have a date! Yippeeee its May 31st.
But Yikes!
I still have not received my approval letter from the insurance, BCBSMA, It's just a bit over 2 weeks away. Is it normal to have it cut this close? I just know I will feel better once I have the letter in hand (o:
Ya all cross your fingers for me please (o:

Revision on 10/29/12
Congrats, Trish!!! You are having your surg on my 1 year WLS anniversary!!!
When was the auth submitted? I heard back from my insurer almost immediately. I would call them and at least find out if all the info has been submitted. I wish you the very best!!! Hugs, Stef
Thanks Stef...
I found out the Surgery coodinator submitted the letter on May 11th, She assures me should be no problem. It still would make me feel better to know for sure NOW! LOL,
I called Blue Cross again today.. still under review
(o: crossing my fingers...
Wow one year... congrats to you.. I take it you are happy with your decision (o: