Ugh - Sick of Protein Shakes already...
Hey everyone, I'm about a week post op and I am in the midst of my Liquid Diet Stage. I've been doing the Met-RX Protein Shakes as a my meals and well - I'm sick of them already. Chocolate and Berry can only last so long. Anyone know of any recipes I could be having at this stage - or even an alternate. The worst part is their so thick and hard to finish. I find myself forcing it - its not like I can make it last 10 minutes and be done. I have to do it in like a 30-45 minute span. All help appreciated.
I cannot wait until I can move onto soft foods....
You could add more water to make them thinner. No rule they HAVE to be thick
Lots of people thin them down. OR thicken them enough to eat with a spoon - but no clumps! Have you ever thought about adding flavors to them? DaVinci and Torani both make some excellent sugar-free syrups you can add. Hazelnut and chocolate - yumm. Or banana added to the chocolate. Or coconut, etc. Jazz it up.

Congratulations on your surgery - I hope you are doing well. I found it took much longer at the beginning to drink the protein mix. I still have protein mix every morning, ok'ed by the nutritionist and I don't feel I have to eat to make sure I get my protein in. I am 3 months 3 weeks out at 210 from 270. I don't know if the Met-Rx is pre-mixed or in powder form. Either way you could put some clove spice or cinnamon in the chocolate to give it some added taste. Orange extract would taste good with the chocolate too! I've bought those sf flavored syrups at TJ Maxx or Marshalls in the gourmet food section - the prices were pretty reasonable. I use Zero Carb isopure Vanilla - 2 scoops have 50 grams protein. Usually I put in 1.5 scoops. I mix it with crystal light - I like orange, 2 ice cubes and a spoonful of cool whip free. I use a Magic Bullett blender, it is so easy to use, you make it and drink it in the same container, easy clean up and no waste. I have also mixed it with flat sugar free soda - all kinds of flavors. One of the other posts said you could make it thinner and that is really the best way to drink it at this point. Good luck!