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Topic: RE: Welcome to the Lymphedema message board
I have Lymphedema just in my right leg above the knee what kind of compression would be good for this? I wear compression stockings with zippers that go up to my knees, I do deep water aerobics,3-5 x a week. While I am in the water, it goes down, but later goes back to what it has been.
I have an appt on Sept. 8th to talk to a physical therapist about this condition. I am planning on having WLS, but the dietician would like me to lose another 60 lbs. I have already lost 63 since Feb.23rd.
does anybody have any idea on what should I do? Any information would be helpful.
Thanks, Peggy
Topic: Legs swelling?
Many of you know that I have a condition called Lymphedema and then there are new people or some that have never heard of it.
Lymphedema is a condition that is often over looked as simple swelling or just a person is "fat". It's not any of the above, it can be disforming or disabling. It can become worse as time progresses. It can happen in anyone no matter what the size and it only takes minor damage to the lymph system to have it develop. It's pretty common in those who had a large panni or where once over 350+ pounds, however you don't even have to have a weight problem for it to occur. It also occurs in many cancer patient who've had lymph nodes removed. I did an article for Obesityhelp's magazine about this condition. visit my profile under
"Resources" you can read the article.
or click here if you have adobe reader
You can also find out more about this condition by visiting my personal website
Even if you don't have swelling in your legs it's nice to know about this because YOU could help someone else. You might wonder how, but that's simple. Most of us attend support meeting for this surgery. Often times I run into people that have this condition and they didn't even know it. It's actually pretty easy to tell someone has it in the severe cases. So please take the time to read the article
I thank God everyday for a wonderful lady named Theresa. If it had not been for her speaking up and telling me about this condition I would have never known about it.
615/275/Healthy (-340lbs)

Topic: Welcome to the Lymphedema message board
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