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Amy Williams
on 9/22/05 10:43 am
Topic: Obesity and Lymphedema
I found this article very interesting and wanted to pass it along. Amy
on 9/11/05 1:26 pm - Miami Shores, FL
Topic: RE: $5,000.00 leg pumps for free?
Hte pump was the first thing I got as treatment. My legs were HUGE so it helped. I was put in the hospital for the first "pumP down" so they could monitor me while moving so much fluid through my system. They had it on 4 hours then I could take it off to rest for 15 minutes. Once home they wanted me to use it 4-6 hours a day...2-3 on each leg. So needless to say that wasn't much of a life, and at the time I didn't have compression garments so as soon as I stopped pumping the fluid would return some. Once I started grad school, I got MLD and compression wrapping 2-3 times a week and would leave the wraps on the days I didn't get was hard to deal with but the results were amazing. I have not used the pump in over a year...the sleeve is tooo big. And the pump just pushes the fluid it does nothing to simulate the lymph nodes as MLD (manual lymph drainage) does. I have garments now and am able to work full time...sometimes more than 40 hours a week. I got my pump for free because I was on medicaid at the time. And I'll keep it cause you never know what may happen.
Cynthia Snyder
on 9/11/05 8:43 am - Butler, IN
Topic: $5,000.00 leg pumps for free?
I also have been diagnosed with lymphedema. Thank the Lord that it is not a sever case I have custom compression stockings for both legs up to the knees. As long as I wear them daily, I have no problems I have a pair of full leg compression pumps that I use about once a month to six weeks. These pumps cost $5,000.00 but Thank God for insurance, we were to pay $250.00 of that. When I first got them about a year ago, I used them like they told me least twice a day for anywhere from 30-45 minutes. Well, the first day was wonderful; I could walk better, etc. By the end of that week, I could barely stand My knees were weak and I had to rely on holding onto something to walk & get around. My legs were so weak they could barely hold me. I went to the doctor and she told me to quit using them because she felt that they were actually "crushing my blood vessels". It took about 2-3 weeks to heal, but after that I was back to "normal". This is why I am now to only use them occasionally to rid my legs of excess fluid. When the leg pump company heard this report from the doctor, they sent me a wonderful letter telling me that I didn't have to pay ANYTHING for the pumps! God really does work in mysterious ways Just thought I would share my exerience with lymphedema and pumps! Blessings to anyone reading this! Cindy
on 9/5/05 10:43 am - Miami Shores, FL
Topic: RE: I need help
The pump is what I had in the beginning, I still have it but don't use it, for one thing the sleeve is too big now. I wear compression garments during the day and night have a reid sleeve for both legs. Sarah
on 9/4/05 8:34 am - Herminie, PA
Topic: RE: I need help
Hi, I have Lymphedema. Until reading the letters that your post brought out, I hadn't thought about my gain being from it. I have only gained 10 pounds, but it is up and down, which should have clued me in to being from the swelling of my right leg primarily. I haven't been receiving any treatment and haven't been wearing my hose because they are too big now. I am going to get back to my Doc and begin treatment on them again. I have the pump but have no faith in it, and after reading the others stories realize it must be outdated. I will send my prayers to you all and will appreciate yours. Hugs, Vicki
on 8/30/05 9:54 am - Miami Shores, FL
Topic: RE: I need help
Mine was present before surgery, it one of the reasons I weighed over 500lbs. Lipodema is congenital, from my genes, but not nessesarily heriditary. My lymphedema is caused from the weight of the excess fat from the lipodema putting pressure on the lymph nodes and causing them not to function properly.
Rebecca B.
on 8/29/05 1:19 pm - Bradford, PA
Topic: RE: I need help
Girls... I know nothing about this condition, but I feel so bad for you both. Do you think that it was as a result from your WLS or is it genetic or simply from your ps. I don't know what to say to you other then I will pray for you! You have worked so hard to lose and now this. Prayerfully Rebecca
on 8/27/05 12:10 pm - Miami Shores, FL
Topic: RE: I need help
Hi Sarah, I too have lymphedema and it is caused from lipodema, an abnormal accumalation of sub-sutaneous fat in my hips, legs, and upper arms. I too get frustrated from the weight gain from fluid. My surgeon doesn't quite get it and wants to know why I am not yet at target. She hasn't seen me since March and since April I have gained about 25lbs also, and like you no way is it from eating habits. I mean I never gained that much before surgery and I was eating fast food everyday and about a 2-liter of Mountain Dew. It's definately better to catch this in the begining and get treatment then compression garments. The surgery you had could have very well have disrupted your lymph system. I know even when I had my open RNY my lymph doctor and surgeon said my legs could get worse from the surgery. I didn't know about the lipodema then, and now find out that the surgery really only helped me lose weight above the waist. E-mail me anytime you'd like, Sarah B.
on 8/27/05 8:26 am - San Diego, CA
Topic: I need help
Hi. I had gastric bypass in February of '03, and went from 305 to about 125. In December of '04 I had a circumferential abdominoplasty. I had no complications with either surgery. My mother has primary LE, all over.. not just her legs. I know that I am a risk for LE, and had no symptoms until 2 months ago. Since then, I have gained about 25 lbs, primarily in my upper legs. I am unable to pull my jeans up over my thighs. In May, I noticed a little swelling (around my period). I went to my GYN and he gave me Dyazide to take on the days when I felt swelling. I took it more often, and took an over the counter diuretic at the same time. I don't know what I did to myself, but something is NOT right. I am wondering if maybe this is secondary lymphedema and maybe they damaged my lymph vessles in the inguinal area during my abdominoplasty. Maybe it is primary lymphedema and just now appearing the way it did with my mom. Perhaps it is all caused from the *almost* diuretic abuse for the past few months. What if it is a true kidney problem?? I made an appointment for the 1st of September. I am not really looking for answers from those reading this, just someone who understands my frustration. I know that this gain is not caused by overeating. There is no way that I have eaten enough to gain 25 lbs in the last two months. The swelling is primarily in my thighs and a little bit in my calves. It is not really painful. It is somewhat relieved by elevation, but it is hard to tell because I still have a lot of excess skin on my upper thighs. I am so depressed and it taps in my worst fear and greatest nightmare.. regain and being fat again. Please help!
Amy Williams
on 8/26/05 9:04 am
Topic: RE: Welcome to the Lymphedema message board
Peggy, You are making the right steps by going to see a physical therapist who specializes in this. Just make sure that they have the proper training. There are some who say they are certified and they in fact have NOT gone through the proper training to do the treatments. It sounds like you need customer fit compression hose, but also if you are not getting any treatments done, the MLD (manual lymph drainage) then your efforts for your legs to stay down in size is going to be a constant battle. Once you've had the right treatments your legs will do much better with the help of the hose. You need to have them wrapped and then move to the compression hose. A good therapist will know all of this and will advise you once you've met with them. Amy
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