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Topic: RE: Surgical Lymphedema Treatment Options
I'm posting this over here incase others come to this board and miss the message on the main board.
I've consulted with several plastic surgeons and often times the debulking can very much make your lymphedema worse. This has been my biggest fear in having an plastic surgery done on my legs. I also know of several people who have developed lymphedema post plastic surgery from a thigh lift. As explained to me, the lymph system is bascially right under the skin, very fagile, it doesn't take much to cause damage or interupt it. I was told by 3 plastic surgeon's that they wouldn't want to attempt the surgery because they were not experienced with it enough. However I do know people who had it done. The outcome is never know and can make it worse.
Also this is an article that Don Revis did about Lymphedema, he's one of the plastic surgeon's I talked to while I was down in Orlando.
Note this section:
Surgical treatment is palliative, not curative, and it does not obviate the need for continued medical therapy. Moreover, it is rarely indicated as the primary treatment modality. Rather, reserve surgical treatment for those who do not improve with conservative measures or in cases where the extremity is so large that it impairs daily activities and prevents successful conservative management.
This article is excellent. He's open and honest. If I do "try" to get surgery that's who I plan on getting back with. He was the only one who would even consider helping me and had some back ground.
Topic: Surgical Lymphedema Treatment Options
I have had the onset of Familial Lymphedema Praecox since puberty. I maintain my lymphedema by performing self-MLD and wrapping my legs with short stretch bandages at night and wearing the rubber Elvarex compression garment during the day. I am seeking other treatment options. Have anyone had any success and/or have any information about and surgical treatments such as liposuction (debulking) or laser treatment?
All responses appreciated.
Highest Weight/Pre-op/Post-op/Goal
Topic: RE: lymphedema after medial thigh lift
I have not but it's not uncommon at all. It can happen very easily with the lymph system getting damage to it and often times it's because of a surgery that it will suddenly occur. It's basically secondary onset Lymphedema.
Recently I was devastated to find out the Medicare/Medicaid were not going to allow coverage for treatments for Lymphedema. If you could take a moment of your time to sign this petition to help in coverage for this condition, I would greatly appreciate it.
615/275/Healthy (-340lbs)

Topic: lymphodema, support stockings and surgery...OH MY!
I have severe lymphodema in both legs and must wear the most hideous of all support stockings with ugly zippers up the sides...blech! However, I DID survive a serious strepto****us blood infection to the groin in both legs when I wasnt expected to pull through! hehe Im a tough old broad! *grins*
My question:
I read how people have special coverings for their legs when they wake up from surgery.....I think to prevent blood clots.
Since I HAVE to wear my support stockings to walk..not even supposed to walk to the bathroom w/o wearing them, what happens?
do I keep my support stockings on for surgery? I know we have to walk after surgery but I would not be able to handle tugging them on myself and zipping them up all alone after surgery with my tender tummy for a few days.
How was this handled in your case?
Nancy B
Topic: My First Wow Moment
First of all.... Let me give you some background information. I have Lipo-Lymphedema from my waist to my toes. I am currently in LE therapy and have been struggling with keeping the bandages up my thighs. My therapist suggested that I buy some biker shorts. So after my therapy session; off to WalMart I go.... I bought two pair... a size 14 and 16. When I got home, I tried on the size 14 and they fit!! I could not believe it! I haven't been in a size 14 in 30 yrs!
Pamela H.
Topic: Lymphedema in arm resulting from cosmetic brachioplasty
I have lost 100 lbs from laproscopic gastric bypass surgery (2/03). I had cosmetic procedures on 1/26/05 to clean up skin. I had an adominoplasty (tummy tuck), rear body lift (butt), and brachioplasty (arm skin removal).
In March, I started to notice abnormal swelling in my left hand. I later realized it was in my entire arm as well. It has been diagnosed as Lymphedema, resulting from a simple cosmetic procedure. A procedure to "show off my new arms" has left me wearing an ugly compression sleeve every day.
My understanding is that this is a life-long, progressive condition, which is also called Elephantitis. To try to manage it, I must:
· Seek therapy for the rest of my life
· Wear a compression garment all awake hours of the day
· And have extreme care with my skin, nails, airplane travel, housework, etc.
This condition is becoming a devastating situation to me as I learn more and more. Everything I have read about the condition states that there is no cure. My surgeon never advised me of this risk.
Is there anyone out there that has had this condition resulting from brahioplasty?
Topic: New To This Board
I'm glad there is finally a message board for this condition on here. I got sick back in 1996. I had to stay in bed. A few nights later I went to bed as usual. When I woke up a few mornings later and I was swollen up all over my body and I hurt. I couldn't hardly walk, but I managed to get myself into my doctors office (this is a doctor who told me not to diet and just eat whatever I wanted - my mom didn't believe me, so I took her with me once and my doctor told her the same thing). I was told to cut back on my salt intake and sent home. I found this odd since I don't salt my food and I don't eat prepared foods. As I started swelling more and feeling worse, I went to a different doctor. He said I had heart failure and had swollen up with water from it. He put me in a nursing home. I would lose a lot of weight real fast and then gain it back just as fast. I kept telling them something was wrong, but they kept telling me I was cheating on my diet they had me on when I wasn't. After a little over seven months of that, I got sick of being accused of cheating and I left. They said I had to stay, but I left any way. I didn't feel that they were doing anything to help me.
About seven months ago I came across Amy's website and started reading it. The ironic thing is that less then a week after I got out of the nursing home I saw a news report on tv about people that had Lymphedema and had to have their limbs wrapped. I wondered then if I had it, but told myself no and forgot all about it. After seeing Amy's pictures on her website and reading what she said about it, I knew I couldn't keep denying it. I contacted my doctor that is nice enough to come see me here in my home since I can't walk. I told him about Lymphedema. He went and did some research. He took several pictures of me and took them to the only Lymphedema expert in this area.
I was diagnosed with Lymphedema and I'm finally getting the treatments. I haven't been weighed yet, but I know the treatments are working. My shirts are even fitting real lose on me.
I'm still waiting to have my gastric bypass. I was put on a list and told I'd be having it this year. My doctor contacted UCSF the other day and they now say it won't be until sometime in 2006, so I have a long wait ahead of me.
Has anyone else on here had difficulties with walking? If so, does it ever get any easier? Sometimes I feel like I'm never going to be able to walk again. I have had a hard time accepting the fact that I have Lymphedema. When I was first diagnosed with it, I told my boyfriend thinking that he'd end the relationship right then and there. Instead he said, "we're going to make it through this." (I hope he's right). He's been real supportive throughout all of this.
Topic: Recommended lymphedema Dr. in PA/MD?
Hi, I am looking for a doctor recommendation for a specialist in lymphedema. I have primary lymphedema in both legs and use a compression pump. My Mother has a severe case and is immobilized. We have been managed by a well-meaning primary care physician, but I would really like to investigate lymphatic massage and some of the medications for reducing swelling (not duiretics.) Thanks for the infor on your site Amy Williams...
I live in Lancaster, PA and am looking for a recommendation for a doctor? Any one out there with suggestions?
Thanks for your help. Katie