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Topic: RE: New To This Board
I am not sure if you even have the same e mail account or not since this post is older but.............. I to have lymphedema in my left leg the swelling is below the knee and I too have had many problems with it being very painful so much in fact I have problems putting weight on it at all. I do better in the mornings right after waking up than later in the day. As the swelling gets worse the pain goes up as well, so I try to limit myself so not to be in pain. I normally Due manual lymph drainage mornign and night , during the day I have a support stocking that I wear and at night I have to wrap it as to keep the swelling done. Which has helped a lot but the problem is still there. I write this to you cause I ahve found this board and would hope get some use out of it.
Topic: Lymphedema painful
IS there a way to gain more movement and reduce the swelling and pain of a leg (lower)with lymphedema. I am over weight but have not gave much thought on surg. to correct it . I guess weight loss would be a great idea but the will power is lacking at times.
Topic: RE: Why isnt this board being used ??
Hi Robert,
Sorry I wasn't more clear. I was wondering if you were going to have weight loss surgery or if you had? I know before my surgery my legs would have the hardest time staying down because the weight was stopping the movement in my legs, stomach area. My legs would swell up very quickly. The only thing that really helped me was losing this weight, I still have lots of swelling if I don't keep them up, but it's much more manageable.
Topic: RE: Why isnt this board being used ??
Pre-surgery ?? I do manual Lymph drainage morning and night, wrap at night and use support stocking during the day but if I do to much I still get swelling and pain. I can prop my leg up and the swelling goes but get up and moving for a bit then it is the same. I did go to my doctor this last week she set me up with the doctor I saw before that does MLD/rehab to try to help the pain and swelling and range of movement.
Topic: RE: Why isnt this board being used ??
Hi Robert,
I think that many more people have Lymphedema but just don't realize it and this board is still very new. I hope we get more people posting. I did have problems with pain at one point and now things are better. Are you pre-surgery?
Topic: Why isnt this board being used ??
Hi I am Robert ( I am new to the message board) I was wondering why this board isnt being used much. I have lymphedema in my left leg below the knee , I have to do MLD on a daily bases and wear a 50mg stocking to support my calf. Does anyone else have problems with pain,swelling and basic dicomfort due to lymphedema ?

Topic: RE: slippers
Hi Donna,
Boy, I hear ya about slippers! My feet are always cold! I found that slippers that open up wide and then fasten with velcro are a good choice.. easy to get on, and adjustable for swelling. Hope these links help.
Try doing an online search for: velcro slippers, diabetic slippers...there are many more links out there, I'm sure.
Topic: RE: need help cant get out of house have lymp
Hi Donna,
First let me say that I completely understand what you are going through!
I am not sure how things work there, but I would not accept that your doctor can't do anything for you! I'm not sure how things work there.. I live in Canada, but I have a nurse that comes to my house each day and wraps my legs with compression bandages, treating any wounds as necessary.
There are also resources available for people to come to your home to help with housework, specialized furniture to help with mobility (such as chairs that lift up to help you get in and out)... I'm sure these things would be available. Please contact your doctor and ask if there are community services like this available in your area.
If you are unable to get out of the house because of the lymphedema and weight, then perhaps they can get someone to come to you, to treat your diabetes, lymphedema, etc. If your doctor won't help, find another.
I know that our heathcare differs from Canada to the US, but surely something can be done for you. You should not have to endure being put off like that because your doctor does not want to dig around for ways to help, or thinks you can't be helped. YOU ARE WORTH HELPING!
*big comfy hugs*
Topic: slippers
does anyone know where i can get slippers to fit these big feet online? any stores that sell special slippers...thanks donna
Topic: need help cant get out of house have lymp
hi my name is donna i weight 495lbs i have 13 stairs outside my house..i have two children six and seventeen and they are watching me slowly big problem is my legs i have severe lymp in my legs and i cant get nobody to do anything my dr says he cant help me has anybody ever had somebody come to their house and help? going to be on that discovery thing in england they are going to film in march its about obiesity they are doing a couple of people they are channel five in england is anyone else doing it? well i would appreciate anyone having any ideas ..i cant even get medical attention for my diabietes and other conditions my dr said they wont come out unless i have a heart attack or something severe first...i live in fall river mass...thanks ...donna