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Topic: Dont understand?
I really dont understand why this message board has failed to take off. There are so many people out there online that have lymphedema and we could all be talking about it . MAybe helping people as we passs the time.
Topic: RE: Life goes on.....
It would be nice if they had more of these type of places like the one In Washington State you spoke of for people to learn what they need/want to know about lymphedema wraps that are needed to be done. I was felt lucky in the fact the lady that taught me about the MLD how to wrap my leg for night time knew what she was doing and seems to really care about her job and the person she was helping.
Topic: RE: Life goes on.....
You are soooo right about doing your research. I had to educate my own PCP about this condition. I was very lucky to find the therapist I did, she really knew her stuff, she did some training at a wonderful place in Germany, learned from some of the best. She said they have like an all day place for people to come and they get wrapped several times a day for the most effectiveness. In the US there are any real specialized places for therepy like this. The only one I can even think of is in Washington state.
Topic: RE: finding a Dr???
You don't need to see a doctor before the therapist. Basically the therapist if they are certified is going to know more about this. Typically doctors like yours doesn't know the first thing about this condition and there are really no specialists that do either. Finding a lymphlogist is very hard to come by. Your very best bet is to seek out a very skilled therapist who is LANA certified. They will know how to treat you and be able to tell right off if you have this condition. Robert gave you a great list to start with. Make sure when talking to their office to set up an appointment they are so the message therapy, wrapping, and compression. Ask them are they certified by LANA. This is all very important, there are therapist out there who claim to know the correct therapy and don't. Any questions email me anytime.
Topic: RE: My sister has lymphedema
She needs medical help. It sounds like she's got cellulitis of the legs, it's an infection and if left untreated can really make her very sick. If she is having burning, redness, or her legs are HOT she needs to get to the ER immediately. It can really do you in. I had cellulitis a few weeks after my WLS and it was so painful. She really needs someone to look at her legs. Once an infection happens then open wounds can start next.
Good luck!
Topic: RE: My sister has lymphedema
I am not trying to scare you but.......I would go see a doctor or hospital and tell them what is going on. I have had that feeling before and to be honest they put me into the hospital for 5 days pumped me full of chemicals to flush me out. I am no doctor so I can not give sound medical advice but I would see a doctor as soon as I can . Problems from lymphedema can be bad if left untreated.I feel the best thing your sister can do for herself is find a good doctor and follow that doctors course of treatment to the letter. It could be nothing at all to worry about but then again it could be. Does she have a normal doctor that treats her Lymphedema if so head to that doctor first if not .... I reckon the hospital then but I would seek medical advice to be on the safe side.
Topic: RE: Life goes on.....
The best way to avoid having to many problems with your lymphedema is a good doctor and good skin care.Your doctor will tell you more I am sure. But in the mean time research on the subject is a good idea if you have time. Good luck ;)
Topic: My sister has lymphedema
My sister has lymphedema. On the rare days that her legs are less swollen, she complains of a sick/flu like feeling. Is this typical?.She says that it feels like she has been poisoned and all she can do is urinate. Some times she can not even make it to the bath room it just runs. Jean E
Topic: RE: Life goes on.....
I am glad you are getting back into the swing of things, I hope the therapy works for you. Thanks to you and your helful links and list, I hope I can avoid going through 5-6 Drs before finding a good one. Right now I do not have a sever case, and I really hope to keep it that way and like you, I hope the boards become more we all know there is nothing like the support of people who know exactly what we are going through
Topic: RE: finding a Dr???
Thanks so much Robert. I am sl lost and confused when it comes to all this stuff.. words alone cannot express how appreciative I am!!!