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Topic: RE: My PS stated that I have lymphedmia
You know ,
I wanted to see how I would do now without those compression hose...
so Friday thru Monday I did not wear them... by Monday night I could notice the swelling again starting , even my feetsies were Poofed Out ...
Back to wearing the compression hose I guess.
Do you know if this would end up being a Permanant condition then?
Like as in Forever ... no correction of it?
If so, it doesn't seem worth it to me.
Getting very depressed with this.
Topic: RE: clueless PCP
I really feel your pain, I went through the exact same thing, my PCP was clueless and looked at me stupid when I told her I wanted to go see a physical therapy. She was like, what can they do??? I'm like well obviously more than you can do... UGH! I no longer have that PCP to say the least. So many doctors will just allow their patients to suffer from this instead of offering help and then you tell them what you need and they still often times don't want to do anything. Keep on them about getting the help you deserve. That really is the only way to make sure it happens. People often give up and then suffer for years.
Topic: RE: My PS stated that I have lymphedmia
It's not unusual to get Lymphedema from a thigh lift. I'm really not sure how they would be able to determine this right now as you still might have some swelling going on. They really don't have any good tests to determine that you have it, but usually in very mild cases compression hose will help to maintain they don't get worse. You probably might consider having them refer you to a therapist for help.
Topic: clueless PCP
I was trying to be patient and follow my PCP's guides when it comes to my lymphedema. ..he wanted me to talk to my bariatric sureon about it, so I did, he could offer no assistance, it isn't his specialty after all, why would he... when I relayed this to my PCP, he said he isn't sure I have lymphedema, even thought hat is what the surgeon who did my biopsy back in Feb said I had... he wants me to see a blood disease specialist, partly due to one lab that came back with low iron, I tried to explain, more then once, it is a malabsorbtion issue that is a result of the WLS, and that now that my surgeon has me taking a supplement my levels are fine.. he does not listern. My PCP's secretary was trying to make an appt for me with the blood spec, but they need to go over all my tests, and the Dr's notes, because they really have no clue why he is referring me to them.. more waiting.. time to take matters into my own hands! I have called a LANA certified therapist and I need an authorization from my PCP, I have a call in to him, and hopefully he will call and send them what they need, I have an appt for next Wed morning... it is just very frustrating that I do not trust my PCP at all ( for reasons other then this issue too), and the one I want has a waiting list for new patients that leaves me waiting until August. I can't wait until Aug, I may be losing my ins before then (due to changing jobs) Wish me luck, I know lymphedema is never cured, but I would like to have a good handle on it before I lose my ins and the wait for the new stuff kicks in..
Topic: RE: Lymphedema in arm resulting from cosmetic brachioplasty
Thanks, Ned, for the information. I, too, went to see a massage therapist. We think that it did not help in my case. But, my case is so mild that he recommended that I do not wear the compression garment, unless there is noticable swelling. My arm and hand are always very midly swollen, which is not that noticeable. It's bothersome and a cosmetic issue - my Plastic Surgoen needs to repair the location of the scar on that arm and reduce the size/shape of the arm some. He won't touch the arm in light of the issue. Since my condition is the result of plastic surgery, and not cancer treatment, I'm hoping that somehow over time the condition will resolve itself. My plastic surgeon seems to think it will, but we can't be sure. I'm a unique case. I would like to see that video tape for the exercises. Can you tell me the name of it? I'll try to find it online somewhere.
I am so glad for you that you have found relief and are able to live quite a normal life with the condition.
Topic: RE: Lymphedema in arm resulting from cosmetic brachioplasty
I was just browsing and found this board. I have lymphedema after having lymph nodes removed after breast cancer 9 years ago. I was fortunate enough to be able to go to a special medical massage team, who did manual massage to help reroute the lymph from my arm. In my case, it worked, thank God. I had to wrap my arm every night with special bandages and I wore a compression sleeve and hand mitt every day for several months. I have had two instances of infection( the "m" word, mastitis) wherein my arm and left breast swelled and became severely infected. However, with God's grace, it has been 7 years since my last problem. I have to be careful as far as using my arm- no lawn mowing, heavy lifting, raking, etc. Sometimes I have had to use a sling to hold my arm when it swells, but that has been years also.
I am not supposed to use a blade razor to shave. They told me I could not have my nails done (acylic), but I have a manicurist who is very careful, so I told them I was not giving up that!
Oh, and I have a video tape that I can use to help me do exercises myself to help my arm.
My oncologist did not know that they no longer use a pump to get rid of the fluid, but she did have a brochure in her office that alerted me to the massage therapy.
Good luck!
Sorry this is a year late; you might have already found out about this therapy.
Good luck! I guess I won't be having that surgery. I could only have it on my right arm anyway

Topic: My PS stated that I have lymphedmia
I am post Plastic surgery... and never knew of lympedemia.
I had my anchor incision Tummy tuck in Erie Pa. October 2005
I had thigh lift , arm lift , breast lift buttock lift in Costa Rica March 2006
When I returned from Costa Rica my PS here in Erie states now that I have Lymphademia, and prescribed me compression thigh highs.
I don't see why now he is stating that I have this !!!
Although I did have an inner thigh lift my legs are still smaller than before....
they appear the same or better than before how does he diagnose this now?
Topic: RE: lymphodema, support stockings and surgery...OH MY!
I have lymphodema in my right leg, above the knee , in the inner thigh area. I was in an automobile accident 10 years ago, and it screwed up the circulation in both legs royally. (both legs were broken) I had to start wearing custom made support stockings, and they had zippers in them, I had to use it-stays to keep them up.
I have lost about 150 lbs in the past couple of years, I had been working out 5-6 days a week, my socks became so baggy that thaey made me some new ones made out of Elverex. I have an appt on June 16th to talk to the surgeon, and I am hoping after my surgery, I won't have to wear these stockings anymore.
Topic: RE: Dont understand?
I try to check this message board out on a daily bases hoping that other find it. I feel there is enough of a need for a meesage board like this one, if people just find it. To be honest until I found out I had Lymphedema (2nd-lower left leg) I had no idea what it was but believe me I have learned in a hurry. Would of been a bit easier if someone was there to hold my hand during the first few months. Just past the 2 yrs mark a month back. I have had my ups and downs thru this and right now I am in PT twice a week to try to get more active. I got scared to do much after the last hospitla visit and now working on getting going again. A bug bite/a small cut/a bump etc can get you sick again- that makes you worry about even going out. Now when I go outside I use some of bug Rep. to help ward off the bugs. AS for me I am overweight- I have gained some lbs. being less active but plan on losing some weight as time goes on. Getting more active is the key for me I am not into them cutting me as some do I have no problem wiht others doing it but I prefer to avoid that if at all possible.
Topic: RE: Dont understand?
Hi Robert and also Amy!
I'm Tina Budde, Amy knows me from another group. I just found this board today though I've seen Amy's site before.
I think people don't realize the boards are out there, like they aren't publicized alot and people just stumble on them like I did. I think the boards are a valuable tool for people.
I'm going to put a link on my site for this board and in my groups about the board and see if we can get some traffic here. Amy probably knows my site, but Robert, you might not.
I'm not very obese but I can sure stand to lose weight and I really need to learn more for people who ask me about the surgery and all.