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Topic: RE: Hello to everyone
HI Mike,
thanks for sharing your story with us. It is such a positive and encouraging story. I look forward to learning more about you. Welcome to the LE baord. It is a bit slow, but the people who come here are wonderful and so supportive and full of great information.
Topic: Blood work Help
My Dr says I may have Leukemia. My wbc is low as well as a few other things. My surg was 14 mo. ago could these be related. I am worried to death I dont know what to think. Thanks for listening.
Topic: RE: large spleen
I think it would be a good idea to talk to a doctor about this issue. I have no idea if a large spleen is a bad thing or not . But if a doctor made a comment like that it was for a reason so I would make it a point to bring it up at your next doctor meeting - good luck thou wish I could have help you .
Topic: RE: Hello to everyone
Hello Mike,
Glad to hear you got a handle on your health. The biggest thing is a good mindset . I feel a good attitude will get you farther in life than what many people think.
Topic: RE: got my stocking today
I would go back to the doctor and make sure they got the right size there could of been a mess up. If this is your first time wearing -do not get mad but it could be you or how you wore them or such. I would go in the doctors office with an open mind and ask if where the problem is -the stocking or maybe you put it on wrong.I know you dont want to even think that your wrong but that could be the case and/or there could be a problem with the stocking itself. When I get new stockings the first few times it seems a bit to tight but after a few wearings they feel good to me. Every once in a way I do have the knee feel tight on me but that is normally due to my leg trying to swell up a bit,if I lay down a while my leg goes down and all is well once again. Anyway you should go back and ask the doctor to re-chceck to amke sure there is not a problem.
Topic: Hello to everyone
My name is Mike and I was diagnosed with Lymphedema in 2002. During the process it was determined that I was born with it. It started to show itself When I was in highschool. I was always pretty active so it stayed under control that way. As I got older and started to gain my weight it got worse. I have it in both lower legs. At my highest weight I reached 534lbs I was being wraped 3 times a week at The University of Penn LE clinic. After 4 months I got my first set of stockings. But they weren,t tight enough and I had to continued being wrapped. Finally we got the right ones and I was wrap free. I use circaids at night I also wrap on occassion. In July of 2004 I had Gastric Bypass surgery and proceeded to lose 303lbs. I still Manage the LE but now it is so much easier. Through out my treatments I realized that the more active I was the better it was. I never stopped my martail art trainning although it was a challenge to find shoes to wear over the wraps. I started to run In fact in April of this year I ran a 5 mile Race. I'm currently recovering from a Tummy Tuck. I know that getting my thighs done is not an option because of the LE. I would rather have some loose skin on my thighs than have to wear thigh highs or the capri pant thigh high combo.
Since losing all of my weight I nolonger need custom garments I'm an off the shelf Person as my therapist called it. I wear my stockings everyday they have become a part of my life.
My lower legs look great. My right leg looks normal and my left wich is my worst actually has some calf definition in it. Well THat 's enough about me for now. I hope to be talking to some of you on here later.
Mike Borders
Topic: RE: got my stocking today
Hello Brianna,
I was reading your post. Is it possible that you didn't get a tight enough stocking? If the compression isn't high enough it could lead to roll down. When you put it on pull it so the top is just above the calf. This was tough for me at first because I went from class 4 customs to off the shelf 40 -50 and the level of compression and the garment itself is very different. Good luck at your appaonitment. Mike
Topic: RE: got my stocking today
I ake it back, the thrill of the stocking has gone, I am going back tomorrow to make sure they gave me the right size, it didn't take long for the stocking to cut off my circulation at the knee, leaving a deep red mark behind, I tried various adjustments, befoe I had to take it off.. I will have them re-measure and see if I possibly need a custom made.. I know they are supposed to be itght, but not to that pont, when I was in nursing, I put them on and took them off of many patients, and have never seen lines such as this one gave me.. OUCH!
Topic: RE: large spleen
I don't have any help for you, but I wanted to wish you the best in resolving the issue!
Topic: got my stocking today
I never thought I would be glad to get a compression stocking, but I sure was thrilled to put it on instead of the wrap today! My leg has responded very well, I knew that so far, I had a mild case, and was hoping to keep it that way... the only problem I have with the stocking it at the knee, it is just a little too long and seems to roll up, really cutting off circulation any suggestions?? I have tried folding it, but it just wants to roll... I don't see my therapist again until Wed, and am hoping for help before then. On a positive note, I got the silky beige color and you can hardly tell I am wearing anything.. because nothing will stop me from wearing shorts!! haha