lymphodema, support stockings and surgery...OH MY!
I have severe lymphodema in both legs and must wear the most hideous of all support stockings with ugly zippers up the sides...blech! However, I DID survive a serious strepto****us blood infection to the groin in both legs when I wasnt expected to pull through! hehe Im a tough old broad! *grins*
My question:
I read how people have special coverings for their legs when they wake up from surgery.....I think to prevent blood clots.
Since I HAVE to wear my support stockings to walk..not even supposed to walk to the bathroom w/o wearing them, what happens?
do I keep my support stockings on for surgery? I know we have to walk after surgery but I would not be able to handle tugging them on myself and zipping them up all alone after surgery with my tender tummy for a few days.
How was this handled in your case?
Nancy B
I have lymphodema in my right leg, above the knee , in the inner thigh area. I was in an automobile accident 10 years ago, and it screwed up the circulation in both legs royally. (both legs were broken) I had to start wearing custom made support stockings, and they had zippers in them, I had to use it-stays to keep them up.
I have lost about 150 lbs in the past couple of years, I had been working out 5-6 days a week, my socks became so baggy that thaey made me some new ones made out of Elverex. I have an appt on June 16th to talk to the surgeon, and I am hoping after my surgery, I won't have to wear these stockings anymore.
Can You please tell me the name of your support stockings with the zipper. My Aunt/Godmother has lymphodema & I think she could get help with them. Her calf size is very large. How big do they come. Thank you! Please feel free to contact me @ my email address: [email protected]
I use Jobst Elvarex stockings. Here is their website. They make custom fitted ones that will fit any calf.
I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy.
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