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As many emoticons as you like may be inserted into the body of your post. To view the available emoticons which you may insert, click the down-arrow marked Message Emoticons to the left of the area where you type your post. You will see a list of textual representations of emoticons and their corresponding emoticon images. To insert an image into your post, type the corresponding text. For example, to include this image :-) in your post, you'd type :-), and to include this one :angel: you'd type :angel:.Click here to view a list of all members who have posted to this message board.
I have Lymphedema just in my right leg above the knee what kind of compression would be good for this? I wear compression stockings with zippers that go up to my knees, I do deep water aerobics,3-5 x a week. While I am in the water, it goes down, but later goes back to what it has been.
I have an appt on Sept. 8th to talk to a physical therapist about this condition. I am planning on having WLS, but the dietician would like me to lose another 60 lbs. I have already lost 63 since Feb.23rd.
does anybody have any idea on what should I do? Any information would be helpful.
Thanks, Peggy
You are making the right steps by going to see a physical therapist who specializes in this. Just make sure that they have the proper training. There are some who say they are certified and they in fact have NOT gone through the proper training to do the treatments. It sounds like you need customer fit compression hose, but also if you are not getting any treatments done, the MLD (manual lymph drainage) then your efforts for your legs to stay down in size is going to be a constant battle. Once you've had the right treatments your legs will do much better with the help of the hose. You need to have them wrapped and then move to the compression hose. A good therapist will know all of this and will advise you once you've met with them.