It's not my fault!!!!!!!
I have gained about 110 lbs since last November, and it certainly is NOT what I am eating. I have digestive problems so I eat mostly soft foods like low fat yogurt, peanut butter and banana sandwiches and Slim Fast. Lately, I have even gained 14 lbs in one week! My primary care doc said it is most definitely due to my lymph-edema swelling out of control. My lymph specialist said it is from what I am eating and not exercising.
She said my weight is crushing my lymphatic system and that is why I have lymph-edema! I lost 120 lbs and had a panniculectomy. Last year, I looked so darn good! Then I started getting migraine headaches and was tried on a couple of meds. The one that worked was Amitriptaline. Problem is, weight gain is a side effect. I cannot take anymore meds for it because I am allergic to most pain meds and others interfere with my blood thinning med. When I lost all that weight, I was thinner all over, except for my legs. I saw my doctor and that was when I was diagnosed with Lymph-edema.
I now have lymph in both of my legs which makes it very uncomfortable to walk, and then started getting it in my arms. My lymph specialist insists that it is not only lymph edema, but fat too, and the fat is making my lymph worse. She keeps brow-beating me that it I need to lose weight, I should have kept losing weight and not stop at 283. (that was my lowest weight in a while. I was over 400 and got sick which is why I lost 120 lbs) She even told me that what happened to me,(getting sick and losing weight) was a good thing! Uh excuse me????!!!!! No one should stay sick just because they are losing weight as a result! I missed out on Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving, social gatherings. etc. And she has the gall to say that was a GOOD thing!!!!
Plus, she is only going to wrap one leg at a time! So, now I am going to walk around with a thinner leg and a huge one!!! Unfortunately, I have to stick with this @#!$itch because I am on a really long waiting list anywhere else, and I almost can't fit into clothes anymore due to my lymph.
Sorry for the long post. I am so angry to tears!!!
It is not my fault! Lymph-edema is not my fault!!!!!!
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!
I am SO sorry you have to deal with such a jerk! Have you recently started taking new medication? I took Lyrica and gained 40 pounds in a month! I have yet to lose it, but I'm waiting for my WLS date. (Passed pre-op tests, etc) I can't wrap my legs either cuz of my size, so my therapist got me weird wraps I closed up with velcro and wore socks under them so the first layer of velcro would stick to the socks.
After that I graduated to compression stockings. Custom ones, of course. My lymphedema therapist also used some pulse massage therapy. I don't know the name of it, but it gave HUGE relief.
Hope you get a new therapist soon!
I did see a different therapist after all this. I got my legs wrapped, but the wrapps never stayed on. I was given custom made compression hose as well, which also don't stay up. I have compression boots now that act almost like massaging blood pressure cuffs for my legs. I haven't tried them yet. I hope your doctor puts you on a different med soon. I hate when meds make one gain weight! I have had that happen too. Thanks for responding.
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!
My stockings have these rubber-like nubbs that are supposed to keep the stockings from slipping, but they don't work at all. I have never tried the adhesive strips you are talking about. What are these and where can I buy some? Thank you.
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!