Will my swelling go down after surgery?
Hey guys! I am 6 weeks out from my VSG surgery. While I have never been officially diagnosed with lymphedema, I suspect I have it. When I went to the nearest specialist (1.5 hrs away) she said she could do treatment but it would be 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Sadly, I couldn't leave work for that long every day and she has ridiculous hours.
Anyway, getting to my post... As I lose weight from surgery will my swelling go down? Its not too bad, but I can definitely tell the difference. Is there anything I can do, short of getting treatment, to help reduce swelling?
Anyway, getting to my post... As I lose weight from surgery will my swelling go down? Its not too bad, but I can definitely tell the difference. Is there anything I can do, short of getting treatment, to help reduce swelling?
I also have lymphedema and had RNY 15 mo.s ago. My Dr. was very encouraging and his words have come true. He told me as the fat goes so will the fluid. My arms and legs now look like prunes and have shrunk considerably. I lay with my legs up after I have worked 12hr. shifts. You could have your legs measured and if they are small enough to wear stockings that will help. I had to go through the treatments for 5 mo.s and then the Dr. allowed me to get compression pantihose. I get them from MediUSA. They are pricey at $100.00 a pair but better than wrapping everyday. My last appt. the Dr. said I still have about 40# of fluid still in my legs so am working on more exercise to get it out. Good Luck!

I got the only safe water tablet on prescription given to me and was refered to the oedema clinic. ive had 3 visits and i was measured personaly on each leg all the way up in stages then customised stockings were ordered. i now have 3 pairs.
i would be in a right mess if i hadn't sorted it out through the dr.
i was laid up for three weeks with a herniated disc in my back and that meant the lymphatic system shut down. it needs movement as it doesnt have a pump like the heart so no movement meant stagnan****er building up n toxins trapped in my body.
so, as you see it's serious stuff.
I'm so releaved to have a solution. oh and no salt at all in foods. eeech it's bad for you anyways. lots of water . i have to drink 8 glasses but manage 3 pints or more when i can.
hope this helped
from eva
Thank you both for your responses. Where do you get the stockings? I have heard about them, but I didn't know if they were ok to use if I had not had treatment previously. I only have swelling in one leg, the left leg. It isn't extreme, it measures 30 in around. Large, but not as bad as many cases I have seen.
If I do get stockings, would I wear them on both legs if only one is swollen?
If I do get stockings, would I wear them on both legs if only one is swollen?
There *is* treatment for it, most definitely. It consists of compression, compression, compression. Imagine you're squeezing an orange or lemon to juice it. Your legs are filled with fluid and the only way to get it out is to compress it. The compression starts at the bottom and gradient pressure is applied as your work your way up the calf. By doing this, the fluid is pushed up through your lymph glands and then processed by your kidneys so you can pee it out. I had a fabulous physical therapist that worked really hard on my legs... We had to do one at a time because of the type of treatment that was needed and the size of my legs. Once the leg is compressed as much as it can be... stockings can be ordered... even if they need to be custom made. They make all sorts of things nowadays.
I kind of got discouraged and had to take a break... having a heck of time find the motivation to start up again. :-(
Right now I'm using Tubi-Grip. It's a God send. My therapist told me that a lot of people just stick with the Tubi-Grip because it's just more conveinent. I have to agree.
I kind of got discouraged and had to take a break... having a heck of time find the motivation to start up again. :-(
Right now I'm using Tubi-Grip. It's a God send. My therapist told me that a lot of people just stick with the Tubi-Grip because it's just more conveinent. I have to agree.
I too have lymphodema and am 6 weeks out of surgery.
I have had 2 podiatrists confirm I have it, and they basically said that even after losing weight, I will always have "big" legs. I wasn't too thrilled to hear that, but I can already see and tell they are going down.
Before surgery I couldn't even squeeze my calves into a 28 pant. It was crazy frustrating.
I didn't even know there were procedures to help it out, they just said its something you have but can't do anything about. :/
I too have lymphodema and am 6 weeks out of surgery.
I have had 2 podiatrists confirm I have it, and they basically said that even after losing weight, I will always have "big" legs. I wasn't too thrilled to hear that, but I can already see and tell they are going down.
Before surgery I couldn't even squeeze my calves into a 28 pant. It was crazy frustrating.
I didn't even know there were procedures to help it out, they just said its something you have but can't do anything about. :/