OH Magazine Issue 3 2007
OH Magazine Issue 3 2007 is on its way to your mailboxes! The latest issue of OH Magazine features OH spokesperson Jackie Guerra, who updates our readers on her story since we last heard from her in Issue 2 2006. Her husband, Bill Torres, also is featured in an article titled Together where he talks about his relationship with Jackie. Readers will also be treated to the story of OH member Ramon Lopez, who was recently seen on the hit tv show Big Medicine. Other articles include Heart Health by cardiologist Shalizeh Shokooh; Completing Your Journey by Dr. Edward Domanskis; and Safe Exercise for Arthritic Joints by Mark Allen, MPT. We also provide delicious recipes; fitness q&a; and support group news. If you are already a subscriber, your issue is on its way. If you want to subscribe to this bi-monthly publication for the low cost of $25 for six issues, click on the purple word "magazine" on the top of the screen and follow the directions to subscribe.
Ronda Einbinder
OH Magazine
Public Relations/Staff Writer
OH Magazine
Public Relations/Staff Writer