trouble with wrap...
I went to the therapist today, and she applied the foam "stocking" and wrapped my leg.. i am to wear this for the next 3 weeks, 23 hours a day... BUT after my shower today I had a terrible time getting it wrapped properly.. I tried myself the first time and it was loose, it is kind of tough to reach that far down sometimes, and to keep the foot flexed while I do it, ouch so I had my sister come down and try, it was o.k., but after 10 mins of walking around the house, it started sliding off at the toe, so we tried again.. so far it is holding, I just hope that with practice it gets easier, I work overnights, and my sister is not always awke to help me that late... *sigh* I am actually looking forward to the compression stocking, it will be alot easier then the wrap. on a positive note, when I took the wrap off to shower, the swelling had really gone down, that was nice to see after one day of wearing it.
Yes,over time it does get a lot easier to get the wrap right. The first few times I wrapped myself it looked worse than a rats nest. Now I am an ole` pro at it. Once the swelling get down enough and you get that stocking you will be a lot better off. But it takes some time to gets it on right and adjusted so it don't bunch up around the top of the ankle, you will fiqure out what I mean after you get one. Helpful Hint: Try not to be in a rush when it is time to put on that stocking, put it own walk around a few minutes and then re-adjust - that is what works best for me anyways.// I myself wrap at nite to sleep in and wear a support stocking during the day. In my case after a few months of wearing my support stocking and wrapping at night I had to be refitted for a new size stocking - my leg size was down enough that I had to get a new size stocking.
Thanks Robert.. It is nice to know eventually I will get the nag of it...I am still having trouble with the wrap,I have to re-do it 3 or 4 times a day it seems, but my therapist was surprised that the swelling has come down a great deal and I am going for my stocking next week, once we the the script in place. I have always had big calves and small ankles, so I may have to get it customed fitted, but that is fine....
If I allow my leg to swell ( to much time out of my stocking or wraps) then I have to rewrap once the swelling gets back down to normal. But wrapping get so much easier over time. As for a custom stocking - that is no big deal, I use custom fitted stockings ,depending on the company that makes it , it does not take very long at all to come in. When it does comes in-MAke sure that you test fit the stocking while with the Doctor,so there will not be a problem later, being your first stocking your probaly like me ,you want to start wearing it and get rid of wearing those wraps during the day. IF the doctor didnt tell you it will take a few days to get the stockings on right the first time and adjusted properly or at least it has for me. The doctor will show you how to wear it properly and problay either put it on for you the first time or at least help . Now that I am used to my stocking I might have to readjust a time or two during the day but normally they fit good all day, if I get it adjusted right the first time.