I agree with the wimps part
I have a memorial week camping trip set up with 3 fellas from work, to travel the BWCAW ( Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness). The route I have planned for the four of us, will cover about 50 miles of paddling and portaging.
No motors, tents, dehydrated foods, plan on having fish each nightly meal.
Paddle, portage, fish, and roughing it for a week.
Ya'll Enjoy your camping trips, and have a nice summer.
PS, I'm still pre op, not at my usual 315, I've lost 40 lbs on my d&e program.
I have done this type of camping at my heaviest, but looking forward to having more stamina, with wls.
MN Dave

I started the process back in Sept and was just approved. Since Sept Ive lost 50lbs. My dr said to maintain and dont lose anymore. He said I will still do the liquid diet prior to lose a few extra pounds. When I went to the nutritionist she said that I should start practicing my post-surgery eating habits a month or two prior to the surgery so I could get use to what I would have to go thru. That would help me drop some pounds as well. I wouldnt worry about it too much... maybe try walking a 1/2 hour in the evenings if possible so you can eat the same but burn more calories. Don't forget that different times of day you can weigh different and depending on how close to your cycle you are as well. Also if you are eating/drinking a lot of sodium you could be retaining water.

I hope the doctors/ therapists told you this is a life long fight you will have with lymedema, but you can control it within reason. The massage therapy I assume is Manual Lymphedma Drainage (MLD)- I do MLD myself for my lower left leg twice a day once in the morning before I shower then once again before I wrap my leg for the night. During the day I have to wear a compression stocking to help keep the swelling down.I know how the mornings are after a restful nights sleep and the swelling that happens not to long after awaking for the day. Do you wear any form of support stocking during the day ? Do you have to do any form of wraps for the night time ? I am doing PT twice a week to get more moblie - the therapist I go to tells me that working the muscle helps but dont over do it, so we are building up slowly. Best to ask the doctors and/or therapists how much is enough and work with them to reach the goal your looking for .
Good Luck