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Hello, Im sorry to here you have SLE. I do as well . I know how hard it is at first. I was diagnosed 13 yrs ago and I just want to tell you there are alot of things out there that can help you deal with every thing . I have to say one of the most important things you can do for yourself is learn about every aspect of your disease and every medicine they try to put you on. see a rheumatologist if possible. and check them out too. Remember some doctors dont like to deal with people who have lupus, some do not understand the disease, some dont even believe you have it..... believe me you will run into those. Some will give you a whole ton of pills for every symptom . thats why it is important to know your disease. Some people describe lupus as a disease in which a body attacks itself , and that is kind of true. So the next equally important thing.... , And I am so serious about this.... Learn to love yourself ...I know that sounds like I think I know you, and I dont, but I want to explain what I mean. One thing you can do to help keep your physical in check is to butter it up emotionally. With lupus , your body fights with it self. If you pamper yourself. make it a personal goal to do something for your body to show it that you love it every day. Nice hot bath , Exercise, even if all you can do is look at your self and tell yourself "I love you" This isnt a ego pep talk ,it actually changes the chemical reaction in your brain ,it changes the microbial structure of water , our bodies are 80% water. it helps your brain process seretonin, Seretonin triggers receptors in the brain that release endorphins that help slow down the fight reaction of your cells that cause inflamation........ Meditation is excellent to help cope with lupus. any time you can reduce stress and make your body feel loved you will reduce your flare ups and improve your own mood ...which in turn jumps on the same circle of healing.I also have alot of herbal sugestions and would be happy to talk to you about them or anything else any time. Good luck with everything ,
Another here with lupus. My only advice is to take it easy. Listen to your body. If you feel like resting or taking a nap, do it! I take Plaquenil daily, and my lupus has been pretty much inactive for about 2 years now. I know it's scary getting a diagnosis, so hang in there!
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