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OH Testing - Dev

on 11/27/07 7:56 am - Asbury, NJ
Topic: RE: testing 123
Testing on ana
OH Testing - Dev

on 11/27/07 7:08 am - Asbury, NJ
OH Testing - Dev

on 11/27/07 7:05 am - Asbury, NJ
OH Testing - Dev

on 11/27/07 6:59 am - Asbury, NJ
Sherri S.
on 11/19/07 3:00 am, edited 11/20/07 3:17 am
Topic: OH Events contest: where do YOU want us to come?
The 2007 event year is quickly coming to its end. We’ve had a lot of fun, met hundreds of people, made new friends, strengthened each other, and empowered ourselves to continue on our journeys. With the close of the 2007-year, our eyes turn to the future, to 2008. Where will we go? Our team has analyzed locations, researched demographics, met with support groups, consulted with area professionals for hours.. and HOURS.. and hours! We do this because YOU are worth it. It is our goal to reach out to as many people as possible. But, we can’t decide where to kick off the 2008 year! We’ve arm wrestled, had ping pong tournaments, basketball games and other battles of wills. So... we need your help to make this decision! We’re having a contest. Where do YOU want us to come to? Let us know! For the month of November, we will leave this post up. Reply and shout out to us where you want us to come to. If you have ever wished for OH to come to your area, now’s the time to speak up! Get your friends, surgeon and support group involved! Simply reply to this post and let us know the area you want us to come to. At the end of November, we will count up all of the votes and we will make the announcement in December. Rules of the game: -Since this is a member’s contest, you must be a member to vote -Each member can only vote once for the same area -Members CAN vote for multiple locations -One post, one vote. If you want to vote for another location, make a separate reply. -All votes have to be a reply to this one of the ‘contest’ posts -Due to logistics, we may not be able to come to the exact city requested, but we will come to that ‘area’ as close as possible. So now is the time to let your voice be heard! Where do YOU want us to come to?
Maria S
on 11/16/07 11:21 am - Bastrop, TX
Topic: RE: Heart arrithyima(sp)
I have been on beta-blockers for almost 2 years.  I was having frequent runs of PVC's.  I take Beta Pace, 80 mg 3 times a day now.  I have been on 7 different kinds of beta blockers in the last 18 months.   However I also suffer from bradicardia, low heartrate.  I had a pacemaker put in 1 year ago.  If my HR drops below 60, the pacemaker steps in and takes over.  Before I had the pacemeker put in, my HR was droppig down in the 20's.  I have had many trying things going on in my life, over the last 2 years.  For now if seems like the heart is the one thing under control.  Thank goodness! Good luck!  I hope the beta blocker has been working! Maria
Maria S
on 11/16/07 11:11 am - Bastrop, TX
Topic: RE: "Some Auto Immune Disorder"
Hi Sandy, I just found this board and wanted to respond to your post.  Has your doc said anything about Sjogren's Syndrome?  After many months of low WBC and a series of low platelet counts, my hematologiest tested my ANA.  It was positive.  Further tests showed I have Sjogren's Syndrome.  The rheumatologist I saw thought it was Lupus with secondary Sjogren's.  A month later my ANA is now negative.  But I have all of the symptoms of both Sjogren's and upus.  The next step is a lip biopsy. Good luck, and I hope you have some answers by now! Maria
Maria S
on 11/16/07 10:55 am - Bastrop, TX
Topic: RE: Need Advice Please
Could it be Sjogren's Syndrome?  I had WLS in August 2003.  Lost 180 lbs, got prego, and everything went out of wack on me.  After the baby was born I ended having a pacemaker put in.  I have also been having a horrible time with my iron.  I see my hematologist every month (weekly if my white counts and platelets drop too low.   About a month ago I tested positive for Sjogren's Syndrome, which is an autoimmune disease.  It cause dry eyes and mouth.  There are also many other symptoms.  The rheumatoligist I saw 2 weeks ago actually thought it was Lupus, but the blood was negative.  After doing some research, while waiting for the lab results, I actually believed I had Lupus.  I have 8 of the 10 symptoms I read about.  Of course I know that the symptoms can be indentical to the symptoms of many other illnesses. I hope by now you have gotten your lab results.  As much as you do not want a "Positive" for anything, it would just be nice to know why you feel so horrible.  It would be nice to say, :NOw I understand.  That's why I felt like........"  Good luck! Maria
on 11/12/07 10:15 am
Topic: NEW on OH?Weight Tracker!

We’re always thinking up new ways to make your experience on the best it can be, so we’re pleased to announce that the latest of the great tools we offer is launching now! Meet the new Weight Tracker, a simple-to-use tool that will allow you to see your weight and BMI changes over time in an easy-to-read graph.   

Weight Tracker is not just for people who are currently losing weight; it’s also a great tool for those of us who are trying to maintain a healthy weight. It’s easy for a pound (or five or fifteen) to creep back on. Weight Tracker will help you see those subtle changes happen so you can know when you may need to renew your efforts to get back on track!   

It’s fun and easy to share … and you can choose your level of privacy. We’ve even created a “widget” that allows you to post your results on your blog or other Websites with just a simple copy and paste! Click on over and give it a try!
(deactivated member)
on 11/12/07 3:32 am - NJ
Topic: RE: Lupus & gastric bypass

Hi Veronica

Yes, I finally had my surgery and so far things are going well.  I can already see improvements as far as pain from my arthritis so I'm hoping for the same affect on the Lupus.

Ofcourse, I'm still in recovery mode but I do find myself getting tired quickly - I have to build up some stamina!

Good Luck!


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