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on 5/17/08 8:35 am - no, CA

My name is Le, Ihave had lupus for 29 yrs now. I have gained so much weight with pred. I am still on it. I have a son Sam, he is 9. Took along time to get him. I went thru inferitlity treatments. I am married to Chuck, for 26 yrs this June. I have been on the OH for years just not very much. Finally I decided to go forward for weight loss surgery. I have diabetes,liver problems,high chole. and triglicerods I am considering the lapband and went to my first appt with the surgeon, dieticiation. He didn't seem to have a problem with my lupus. Should I be?? It is more risk for the lap band then the bypass type surgery? If anybody has any thoughts please let me know. I will be on here more now that I know this group exsists. I will read the posts and hope to chat with all of you. Take Care, Le
You absolutely can have lupus without a rash. Also, you can have lupus without a positive ANA on a blood test. (The ratio goes up and down.. and can show as normal one month, and high another) I don't have a rash anywhere NEAR what any photos online show. Usually it's just a mild pinking around my nose and cheekbones, and is often mistaken for "getting some sun". Best of luck for your friend.
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"