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Topic: RE: Questions
I've been diagnosed with early stages of DLE. I'm going for my initial referral request for WLS. Because i'm not sure if I actually have lupus i'm not sure what I should expect from my Dr. My ANA test have come back neg, but I was told that was normal.
I know this won't better my chances of getting WLS, but I was hoping it would help.
Does anyone have any words of advice?
I've been diagnosed with early stages of DLE. I'm going for my initial referral request for WLS. Because i'm not sure if I actually have lupus i'm not sure what I should expect from my Dr. My ANA test have come back neg, but I was told that was normal.
I know this won't better my chances of getting WLS, but I was hoping it would help.
Does anyone have any words of advice?
Topic: RE: Just starting my journey, but already having setbacks
I have lupus and I take plaquinel 2 times a day. I was banded on 10-10-08 and I have had no problems at all. I will be going for a Floroscope on 2-2-09 to make sure everything looks good.
Topic: RE: Questions
I am so glad I found this forum. I've been battling with this same issue. Last year I was scheduled for RNY but had to postpone due to an unexpected hysterectomy instead. Since that time, I looked into the Lap Band and have seriously considered it until I learned of the warnings against implant into someone with an auto immune disease. I meet with my surgeon this Thursday to discuss with him his thoughts and knowledge regarding the best procedure with this disease. My AID was never an issue with the RNY (at least he never stated it was). So I'm anxious to see what he says now.

Topic: RE: just a test, please ignore
What are you testing? Do you know how to put the weight traker on? I went to the weighttracker site and found one and put a pin in and I copied and pasted the link but all I got was a link in my last post. I am very computer ilirate and sometimes spelling too. Thank you,Le
Topic: RE: Questions
Hi Sorry to hear about your friend and the dumbe ins. I just posted on here today on another message I believe it was VSG and lupus Look me up and hope everything[url=]
will work for your friend.
will work for your friend.
Topic: RE: Lupus and verticle sleeve
Hi I had VSG on Sept 2nd and am doing great. When I first went to my surgeon he was leary but didn't say that,I was actually going for the lapband. My Rhuemy said she didn't think that was very good thing as it was a foreign object. So that made me read alot on here and talk to many of you and then asked him to do a VSG. Then he said the ins wouldn't cover it but I had a lot of criteria and they did. I went in on the 2nd at 6am was only to spend 1 night but my surgeon thought it best to stay one more night. I was let go on Friday morning. I did run fevers and had my drain in alittle long. I saw him everyweek, I did go back in the hospital week later. I was running a fever and blood (white) was high. I am on pred and have been for 30 yrs now so that is why all of this. While I was in the hospital 2nd time he ran all those tests all over thinking I may have a leak. He was with me at every test and back and forth to my room when he would. He took very good care of me. I was on diabetic meds, bp meds,and choles. trigl. were high and on thier meds. Also I have had fatty liver and elevated liver levels and now everything is gone, no meds except for my lupus, and my liver enzymes are NORMAL!!!! My Rhuemy when I saw her last month got my blood work back and she was amazed. She admitted she never thought that this surgery would work like this. If I were you I would check out local surgeons around here in the US before going out of Country. That to me would be very scary and my cause you to flare. You don't want that. Good lck to you and hope to talk to you soon. Happy Nw Year, Le
Topic: RE: Questions
68 pounds is awesome. I'm glad it's working for you and you haven't had any problems. I hope you continue to have a problem-free co-existance with your lap band. I'm sure the manufacturer has put the contraindication in their literature because of FDA standards.
For me, with over 200 pounds still to lose (I've lost nearly 60 pounds pre-op), I've just never felt the band was for me.
For me, with over 200 pounds still to lose (I've lost nearly 60 pounds pre-op), I've just never felt the band was for me.
Topic: RE: Questions
I certainly understand what you are saying about lapband and autoimmune disease. But, any weight loss surgery you have comes with risks. What I love about the lapband is that you can just remove it if it doesn't work for you. With some of the others it is permanent and there is no turning back. Luckily for me right now this has been fine. I am 68 pounds down and 25 to go. And it has been a blessing so far. I pray that it continues to work for me. Thanks for your input.
Topic: RE: Questions
The LapBand is contraindicated according to the MANUFACTURER. The literature I originally read said that it was contraindicated if you have autoimmune disease or any close relative has autoimmune disease (genetic factors). Think about have autoimmune disease...your immune system attacks anything and everything in it's way, including things that are supposed to be in there. And then, you put a Lap Band in there? It's a recipe for disaster. Though there are many people with autoimmune disease who have successfully gone thru the Lap Band surgery. When I consulted with my initial surgeon, he said he had no problem doing the Lap Band on me and using it "off label".
I was never interested in the Lap Band though. It's not for me. It's a little creepy to me that there is a port that they use to fill and unfill the band. When the surgeon mentioned using it "off label", my first thought was "what if I end up being the 1 in 1,000,000 that has issues because of the lupus. If it was an off label usage, I couldn't go to the manufacturer with issues.
Every doc has his/her own opinion and comfort level.
I was never interested in the Lap Band though. It's not for me. It's a little creepy to me that there is a port that they use to fill and unfill the band. When the surgeon mentioned using it "off label", my first thought was "what if I end up being the 1 in 1,000,000 that has issues because of the lupus. If it was an off label usage, I couldn't go to the manufacturer with issues.
Every doc has his/her own opinion and comfort level.