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on 4/5/09 10:38 am - Madison, TN
Topic: Free Protein! Who Wants Free Protein?!

I am having a product giveaway on my website.  Is it a shameless ploy to get visitors?  

HECK YEAH!  But who cares!  It's a chance for FREEBIES! 

Three lucky winners are surely going to hit it big!!  I am talking, wonderful protein jackpot! 

Before I hit the rules, here is what three lucky winners will receive:

A case of Labrada On The Go Ready to Drinks, AND a case of Rock'N Roll bars!  OH MY GARSH!  I am so jealous!   All products will be sent directly to the winners from the Labrada company.

"Did she say a CASE of BOTH?"  Yes, she did!

Here is all you have to do:

from Sunday, April 5th at 12:01 am UNTIL Sunday, April 12th, 12:01 pm, every person who makes a comment on my website to any post, or sends me an email will be entered for the drawing.  You don't have to go into elaborate details of your surgery or life if you wish not to... (for you shy folks) but on Monday, April 13th, I will hold the drawing for 3 lucky winners.  Yes, 3 LUCKY WINNERS!

Good luck.  Gosh I love giveaways.


(deactivated member)
on 3/27/09 2:27 am
Topic: RE: Lupus amd Fibromyalgia post op??

I'm guessing you have a RNY.  I'm a DSer, just 4 weeks out, but the medications I need to take for lupus and fibro are exactly the reason I chose the DS.  I can take NSAIDS because I still have a stomach.  I also take Nexxium to guard against ulcers and GERD until I lose more weight.

Also, prednisone therapy hiked my weight to the super morbid/malignant obese range.  I read that the larger you are with the DS, the faster you lose.  I've lost 63 pounds in 4 weeks.

on 3/25/09 11:18 am
Topic: RE: Questions
I was diagnosed with SLE in 2004.  I chose to have gastric bypass because I did not feel comfortable having a band...a foreign object, into my body.  I was afraid it would be more prone to make the lupus flare.

I had the gastric bypass Dec. 30th, 2008.  Thankfully, I breezed through the surgery.  I healed fast and have had no problems, whatsoever.  I am so thankful.

My skin and joints were what was primarily afffected by the lupus.  I had to have both knees replaced when I was 38 years old.  As I was not looking forward to a probable hip replacement if I did not lose weight, the RNY was worth the risk to me.  I'm so glad I went for it!

The only lupus medication I am having to take at present is the plaquenil.  The only thing that worries me is that I cannot take antiinflammatories ever again.  I'm not quite sure what will happen if I have severe inflammation, again. 

But my RNY surgeon had no qualms about doing this procedure on me.  Also, he seemed open to the idea of the lapband if that is what I had decided to do.  Hope this helps someone out there!

on 3/23/09 12:06 pm
Topic: RE: lap band with Lupus
I just had the lap band in February.  My surgeon stated that as long as I was "stable", the lap band would not effect my autoimmune process.  He said that there have been no documented cases of the body rejecting the lap band.  While I am only 3 weeks or so post-op, I have had no problems.  He even let me go back on my NSAID (celebrex) after 2 weeks (with an antacid....of course!).

My Rhuematologist was all for it.  Said she thought it was a great idea and that the decrease in weight could make a difference in my joints!

Try another surgeon....He  sound like he is one of those who is scared of anyone with an autoimmune disorder.
Member Services
on 3/21/09 11:37 pm - Irvine, CA
Topic: Maintenance Scheduled for Thursday, March 26th

Due to scheduled maintenance, all of our web services will be unavailable on Thursday, March 26th starting at 11:59PM PDT lasting for approximately one hour. We apologize for any inconvenience.

on 3/3/09 4:19 am - asfasdfasdfds, CA
Topic: RE: lupus and RNY
I'm four months out for RNY, and have SLE Lupus.

The weight loss has helped with my pain dramatically. I've still had flare ups but am less lethargic and the pain isn't as constant.

RNY Surgery 10/22/2008   Heaviest Weight 274  Pre-op Weight 268/272(?)  Currently 127! One-derland! DOWN 147 POUNDS- More than I weigh now! Goal 125 (impossible?)


Pamela G.
on 2/22/09 5:04 pm - Des Moines, IA
Topic: RE: lap band with Lupus
I was told I was not a candidate for a lap-band because of my lupus.
Our immune systems will attack this foreign object in our bodies and our bodies as well.
He implied if I went ahead with either type, lap band or gastric by-pass, I would be dead in two years.
I have quit trying for surgery.
on 2/21/09 2:39 pm
Topic: RE: Another Auto-Immune something or other..
i was 2 months preganent when my hives started i thought i was allergic to my husbends hair greece then i had black mold growing in my appartment so i went to the alergest i did not even think that my hive were conected to being vilontly ill then the dr said i had autoimmune and H-pylori we treated the h-pylori and then ive been on 2 antihistomines sence and the hives are starting to be a nusence again.  they seem to get better with or with out medication in the am but go crazy as dinner comes around no matter when i take the pills.  that started over a year ago.  i moved out of the mold home and still suffer now i have had a bad pain in my upper right abdomine i went throu test after test when the drs did not find any thing they started sticking cameras places the first one was this thursday and they found barretts.  Im starting to think it's all conected because the hives started when i started to puke and the h-pyloryi coctail helped that.  dose any one know any thing about these thing be conected by the way the baby is great he was 10 8 at birth and one week and one day early
on 2/20/09 12:08 am
Topic: RE: Lupus and recent RNY and protein in urine
I feel great further kidney problems since the diagnosis- it is being treated with Vasotec (a blood pressure medication) twice daily and that seems to be doing the's keeping everything under control...the only problem will be if I have to come off of the medication because of my blood pressure being too low (which might happen with further weight loss)...we'll see...

I should clarify that my RNY was in November 2008 (not 2009 as listed above)!

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