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on 5/26/09 1:49 am - Port Elgin, Canada
Topic: RE: Question about RNY & Lupus Flare
I am still lurking..lol..
I am very happy for both of you. I am still in the process of being excepted for surgery, last week I was told my BMI (54) is too high for sugery so I have to go back to the clinic next week (fingers crossed) so they can tell me how to get my BMI down..BMI needs to be 50 or less, I'll see if I can't get it down before I go =) than maybe they will push me through..lol.
I am curious if any of your lupus or arthritis meds had to be changed to liquid or injected?
Please keep posting, it's nice to see what is happening with life with lupus after surgery.
on 5/18/09 2:32 am - Isle of Wight, VA
Topic: RE: Just wanted to say something
Hi Barbara,
                    I am sorry that your Mom has passed and that you BOTH had to endure this terrible disease. You are a prime example how this does not only effect the person who actually has the disease. I have lupus but I always say "my husband and I have lupus", because in a way he suffers just as much as I do. I know the Lord has taken your mother into his arms and has healed her so she can watch over you. Thank you for sharing your story and your kind words. May God bless you and yours.



on 5/16/09 3:30 am - Baltimore, MD
Topic: Just wanted to say something
Hello everyone

   I didnt know they had a board for Lupus. I wanted to write to you all because I had someone very special in my life that had this for a long time before cancer came along an took over. She fought this for 10 years an cancer for 4 months. Her name was Brenda Barber an she was my hero and also my mom. I think its great that you all are takin this step to improve your health. My mom was also overweight to but she lose 100 pds, not because she tried it just start fallin off when cancer step in.I Hope that each an everyone of you are doing sucessful. Lupus is very overwhelming an I can remember plenty nights and days where she would pray an cry in one day for god to heal her of this illness. Not to bring anyone down on this topic just wanted to give you my prayers an blessing an that god see you thru this an have good health.

                                                                                                            Best Wishes
on 5/15/09 7:02 am - irvine, CA
Topic: RE: Where is Amy?
 i don't know.
on 5/13/09 5:15 am
Topic: RE: Question about RNY & Lupus Flare
Thanks for responding.  It's nice to know people do lurk around here.  I'm still flirting with temps from 99.0 - 100.8, and have an on-again, off-again headache, but that's it.  I'm getting some good sleep.  Because of my lupus, I have always known I function best with 8-10 hours of sleep.  Unfortunately, under normal cir****tances, I usually get 6.5-7 hours.  So this R & R off of work is making a difference. 

Sorry to hear your energy is sapped.  Been there, done that.  I anticipated it with the surgery, but (knock on wood), so far my energy level is about average.  Obviously, because of the lack of energy, exercise is difficult...are you doing any strengthening/toning exercises?  You know, stuff you can do while sitting down?  Maybe you could work on building some endurance that way?  I dunno, just a thought.

I wish I still had my happy plaquenil pills!  I was on plaquenil for 10 years.  Last August, I went for my yearly eye check up and my doc saw some retina changes.  Couldn't say for sure if they were plaquenil related, but he's been my doc for 9 years and hadn't noticed them before.  So, bye bye went the plaquenil.  In December, my rheumie tried sulfasalazine (often used with arthritis patients).  It was helping to control pain, but in March, my liver enzymes shot up.  Since my rheumie was on a 3 week extended vacation, my PCP wasn't taking any chances and got me a rush appt with a hepatologist, which bought me a liver biopsy.  Hepatologist wasn't nearly as alarmed as the PCP, just wanted the biopsy to compare to my biopsy from 14 years ago.  Anyway, the sulfasalazine was discontinued and now I have no lupus medication.  The rheumie didn't want to start something less than a month before surgery.  But at last conversation, methotrexate was mentioned.  We'll see what he says in June.

Wow, this turned into a long post.  Oh well.  Anyway, I'm here hoping you get some energy back soon.  Just remember, when the weight is off, it WILL make the lupus easier to manage.


Highest Weight/Surgery Weight/Current Weight/Goal
on 5/13/09 4:40 am - Isle of Wight, VA
Topic: RE: Question about RNY & Lupus Flare
Hi Elli,
           Glad to see I'm not the only one who checks this site! I am kinda the opposite from you. I did have a few FUO's but my energy is gone. I am 3 weeks post op today and I still can't do too many things without having to sit down. Someone asked me the other day how I was feeling...I said like I did before surgery. They said "that's good", No it's not. My rheumy requested that I have steroids during surgery to prevent a major flare after. I think my steroids are wearing off. I'm still taking my plaquenil and I am maxed out on Imuran. But on the lighter side I did loose 30lbs in 15 days. I was just hoping to have more energy by now.  When I stand I feel like all my weight goes to my feet and the rest of me is hollow. I know it is weird but it's the only way I can explain it. This was a major problem  before the surgery....I don't know what I was expecting. I hope things get better for you. I know nothing I have said has made a difference for your situation, but I wanted you to know that you are not alone. Same disease...different problems.



Amy Y.
on 5/11/09 1:56 am - Augusta, GA
Topic: RE: Where is Amy?
I don't think so. I'M the REAL Amy!!!
Member Services
on 5/11/09 1:46 am - Irvine, CA
Topic: RE: Where is Amy?
I am here! Peek a boo!

Amy Y.

on 5/11/09 1:41 am
Topic: Where is Amy?

Where is Amy?  I have not seen you here in awhile....

Take care,
Kitty Kat

on 5/9/09 6:32 am
Topic: Question about RNY & Lupus Flare
Okay, I know this board isn't very active (to say the least), but hopefully, someone out there checks for new threads every now and again like I do.

I just had my RNY on Wednesday and came home yesterday.  All in all, everything went well.  I took a nice nap yesterday and today, but I'm not sapped of all energy.  I'm sore, that's really it.  Overall, I've handled the whole surgery quite well.  Last night and today, my temp is flirting with 101.  When it hit 101 today, I called the surgeon.  He said Tylenol to control the temp.  I don't have anything wrong with my incisions.  I'm not coughing (pneumonia).  So, apparently not too much to worry about.  While I don't have MD after my name, I know that when I get FUO (fevers of unidentified origin) it's usually lupus related.  So, I suspect that is what this is.  My body is saying "What the hell did you do to us?!"

Anyway, I just wanted to know if anyone else experienced this or something similar following surgery.


Highest Weight/Surgery Weight/Current Weight/Goal
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