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on 3/12/10 10:10 pm - East Hampton, NY
Topic: RE: lupus patients who have had gastric bypass
How did the procedure go for you wen you first had it done?
I'm sorry I can't give you any advice as I haven't had my procedure done yet.
on 3/10/10 11:15 pm - East Hampton, NY
Topic: RE: sjogren's syndrome
I feel your pain as the saying goes.  I have Systemic Lupus, Sjogren's, Fibromyalgia, and a myriad of other autoimmune related syndromes, etc.  It's sometimes nearly impossible to find out what is the main cause of the pain.  The fact is, you're in pain.  Pain in my case is due to inflammation.  I, unfortunately, have been on Prednisone which has caused me to gain a lot of weight, as well as other medications.  
For the Sjogren's Syndrome itself, I've used eye drops and mouthwash as directed by my doctor (my endocrinologist and rheumatologist).
I saw my rheumatologist yesterday and my Lupus labs looked good (for me), but I'm still in a tremendous amount of pain.  He told me I could take a low dose Darvocet with Motrin if I felt the pain was bad enough.  I can't say I would want to recommend that to anyone though.
My doctors have said my weight is adding to my pain.  Well, no kidding.  That is one reason why I need to have WLS.  The lesser my weight, the less pain I'll be in.
I like what the woman said about gluten intolerance.  I would recommend you also see your allergist and get tested for common allergens.  I found out I have an allergy to casein (a milk protein), and gluten (basically wheat).  Just as the lady stated, when I avoid these foods I feel better, less pain because I'm not having an inflammatory allergic reaction, and I usually lose a few pounds when I follow it on a regular basis.
I also find stretching and a warm bath help.
I hope I've said something useful to you.  I'll keep you in my prayers.  I know how painful it can be.
on 3/10/10 10:15 pm - East Hampton, NY
Topic: RE: Discoid Lupus ? ? ?
I wish I could be of more help.  What I know about Discoid Lupus is that it primarily affects the skin.  I don't see any obvious reason why that may have a negative effect on WL surgery.  I have Systemic Lupus and am considering WLS and from many on this site, have been steered away from the LapBand and toward the Vertical Gastric Sleeve.  What procedure were you thinking of having?
on 3/10/10 10:11 pm - East Hampton, NY
Topic: I have SLE and nervous about which kind of procedure to have done
Good morning all.  
I have Systemic Lupus among a myriad of other syndromes such as Fibromyalgia, Sjogren's Syndrome, Thyroid Disease, Connective Tissue Disorder... the list goes on.  
Due to medications, mainly Prednisone, depression after a loss in my family, and not so great eating habits, I've put on about 130 lbs. in the past year.  I've tried diet and exercise, but now, pushing 300 lbs., it's difficult to exercise... heck, it's difficult to do most things.
From this website alone, it seems like the Gastric Sleeve is the best choice for me (also given my high BMI).  I'd be most grateful to anyone with Lupus who has had weight loss surgery and your experience, or is thinking about it.
Thank you. 

on 2/25/10 11:31 am
Topic: RE: VERY cool topical pain med...has changed my life!
Hello Kim, I am new to this as well... I sure am glad i found this site though. You said that your ody burns. Where if you dont mind do you feel this. I was diagnosed with Hughes syndrome or Antiphospholipid Syndrome and I suffer from severe lower back pain when I stand or walk for lond periods of time, for some reason, expecially when I sweep with the broom, it is escrushiating(not spelled right I know). I also burn real bad in my knees, sometime enough to keep my up at night and I cant do anything to help the ain, The pain then radiates down my shin's and lately has been bad.  I also suffer from sever foot pain. It feels as though it is in the skeletal parts, like do I explain this.. Like it is cramped up and burns, and I limp on it when I first get up, but then if calms itself and I only feel slight pain untill I sit on my foot weird, or step on it.  I get migrains so often and cant stand it anymore. I do not have any doc except for a basic adult health doc. and everyone here seems to have a Rhumie.  Do you sufer from any of this and if so, maybe you could let me know what other symptoms you have.  How were you diagnosed with lupis and what were your symptoms that made them check you. I know alot of questions, but I really need to start researching this stuff so i can get the right care.  It doesnt help that i am overweight, and dont know how to change that as well. I am sure each problem compounds the other problem. I am so tired..... of all this uncertainty/. I dont even know where to go from here. I jus want to loose this weight, and be able to runaround with my babies without needing to catch my breath or be in pain..God Help me...
on 2/25/10 11:17 am
Topic: RE: VERY cool topical pain med...has changed my life!
Hello, i am new to this site, and am so glad I found it. I was told I have Antiphospholipid Syndrome,(hughes syndrome) and was also put on plaquenil. I wasnt told what it was for, any chance you know, seein as you are on it too;?
Jennifer H.
on 2/24/10 4:36 am - Fowlerville, MI
on 2/18/10 1:36 am - Dallas, GA
Topic: RE: VERY cool topical pain med...has changed my life!
I'm new to posting I hope I do this right. Thank you ladies.  My name is Kim and I live in Dallas ga. I just found out that I have lupus and it's not under controll.  I can deal with the pain but it's the burning that I can't stand.  Does anyone have this and if so what do you take, WIll that voltaren help with the burn. I have other things wrong as well. I went to the hospital yesterday because my pain was so bad.  Also I'm looking in to start a lupus support group or if you know one in the area please contact me.  I can be reached at [email protected]
on 2/2/10 10:46 pm
Topic: RE: lupus patients who have had gastric bypass
It's a good thing you still have dumping syndrome!  And sounds like you should be staying away from Taco Bell and Hershey candy bars.

Highest Weight/Surgery Weight/Current Weight/Goal
on 2/2/10 10:03 pm, edited 2/2/10 12:26 pm
Topic: lupus patients who have had gastric bypass
I would like any information on a sle lupus patient who has had gastic bypass. I have sle, fibromaylia, sjogern, and I also suffer from chronic back pain.However I had gastric bypass surgery in 2001.  I lost over 200lbs.  I am still having dumping syndrom feeling after eating anything greasy or sweet.  It does not have to be alot of gease, just like a taco from Taco Bell or a hershey's candy bar... The gas is unbearable. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do . It was 8 yrs in October since I had the sugery?? Please Help>>>

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