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HI there, I just came across this post after googling gastric sleeve, raw food and juicing, i know its a old thread but im hoping its still active! I am having gastric sleeve at the end of the year, my biggest concern is i wont be able to have a diet that consists of alot of raw food, juicing etc, i had major depression years ago and im certain that jucing and my high consumption of raw foods has helped in such a massive way with this, i seriously overeat though and go on cycles of being super great to super bad! hence why im looking at gastric sleeve, to be able to feel full after a small portion of food would be a god send to me! my only apprehension is that after gastric sleeve i wont be able to nourish my body with this lifestyle, i looked up your blog but it had expired, so you have had bariatric surgery and can still do the raw food, vegan, juicing thing? :)
Sorry I took so long to get back to you!
There is no easy choice for WLS, period, depite those who think it is the "easy way out" from obesity.
I chose the DS because I knew that I would likely have little to no success keeping the weight off without the malabsorption. That being said, medications can be adjusted. The vitamin dosages for DSer's are MASSIVE, just to get the level a normie would get from a regular dose.
I went into this with my eyes open, knowing that it could make things worse. I chose to put my energy into believing it would make things better. Granted, it takes a bit more than positivity to treat lupus, but as I said, meds can be adjusted, and fortunately, for me,the DS opened up a whole new world of treatment options.
The DS made it possible to have a choice of meds that I did not have before. Prednisone was it for me pre-op. So, some would think my condition worsened because of the surgery, because I'm taking more meds. No, the most destructive one, Prednisone is now reserved only for flares. I can now take other meds that will keep flares at bay, keep me out of pain and not have me chewing up prednisone like candy.
I'm taking that as a vast improvement in my quality of life. I still have to pace myself, stay out of the sun and remember to put on my sunblock when I'm going to be outside.
I'm eating more nutritious foods and paying more attention to my nutrition as a whole.
It's a heck of a lot easier to haul around 175 pounds than it is to haul around 405, and that may have had a lot to do with my feeling better.
I still get flares, at 4 years out from my surgery, but now, instead of being in bed for three weeks, I might be in bed for a week. I still have aches and pains, but the medicinesnow work to relieve them, not completely make them go away, but make them more bearable.
on 4/16/13 5:48 pm
DR Gerson was a genius thats why the FDA killed him the man cured cancer his daughter Charlotte is still promoting the diet what a woman
IM still on my Raw living as much as i can on it but had to find a soy based protein to up my levels daily RAW protein is a life saver put it in foods and watch your body heal it self !
Hi everybody,
I am scheduled to have surgery next week, I've had lupus for 15 years now , I take prednisone daily. I'm worried about having the bypass surgery with my lupus. Would love to hear some advice on having the surgery!!!
I had RNY bypass surgery two months ago, I have been on 5 mg of prednisone for over 20 years for rheumatoid arthritis & polymyositis, I had no problems except for fatigue. I had a stress dose of steroids for surgery then had to taper down to my usual 5 mg.
The problems I have had are becoming lightheaded & fatigue, it has gotten much better but am still fatigued. My surgeon thinks it might be my body & cortisol level so I have split my prednisone dose to half at night & half in the morning, this has helped some.
My doctor said I could get the lap band done but the surgeon said she will not do the lap band because I have lupus. I am so upset. I haven't even been on my Lupus meds for four months and I have been stable. I need to loose this weight from all of these meds from my lupus. Can any one help me? or do you have any ideas what I can do?
I had the DS, and I did not lose my disability, since my issues are systemic. I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia. SMO was listed as a disability initially, but the systemic issues don't go away. If SMO is your only disability, I'm guessing weight loss could affect that. If you have obesity-related co-morbidities, and they go away after surgery, that could well affect it too, unless there is something else that keeps you from working. I still have flares, but I haven't had one that put me in the hospital since my surgery.
Social Security has a great program called "Ticket To Work", where you keep your full benefits during a nine month trial work period. If that's successful, then your benefits are reduced to make your income equal to what you were getting on full disability. If you make more than you're getting after your TWP, then your benefits go away, but if your disability flares up again, iti s easier to get full benefits reinstated.
There's lots more information on I know about this, because I'm participating in the Ticket To Work program.
It was my intention to get this surgery so I could get off disability, and get back to being productive. The other health issues I have are more manageable since the weight loss.
Wanted to say hello. I've had lupus for 20+ years and started my WLS journey 2 weeks ago with a seminar and yesterday consultation with the surgeon. Surgeon and I agree that RNY is the best procedure for me due to the myriad of health issues I have. I've started the 3 month wellness program and scheduled all of the tests and evaluations required by my doctor and the insurance co. Excited and scared at the same time. Look forward to getting to know you all.

RNY - 8/12/2013
Yes I have SLE. And Sjorens, and Raynauds, yada yada yada. Knock on wood - have not had a major flare since losing weight as well. I have done periods with prednisone and plaquenil - but presently am not needing either. Have not been able to do Lyrica - too dang expensive and find myself without health insurance right now. Have used neurontin - poor mans Lyrica and it seems to help. Was doing well on exercise (step aerobics) but now unable to do for last year or so. I do think I have more pain and depression without the 3 times a week step. I found the YMCA a great place to work-out, but have had to let that go due to my 13 yr old special needs son.
I found a surgeon that would do excess fat deposits and extra skin and also a hernia repair in one surgery. He actually removed approximately 20 lbs of tissue (the most he had ever done for one patient) but we had a deal before surgery. He would do whatever he could, and I would make sure I was in the best possible shape and would not mess up his stats.
Thanks for replying... Look forward to hearing from you again