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I've developed several auto-immune disorders, Lupus was dx'd last week.

Pre-Op - 254 lbs
Goal Weight - 154lbs
Today - 138lbs
I've been seeing a weight loss surgeon referred to by my primary care physician and a dietian and psychologist and after 4 months the surgeon tells me that he's decided he's not going to do my surgery. I was heartbroken. I've gotten my hopes up with the surgery being on steroids all these years or my lupus and then being in the final stretch, getting told no, I'm at a loss as to what to do. My doctor is telling me to find a surgeon in a surrounding town because this one is the only one in the area but I'm afraid they're just going to say the same thing. It was supposed to be this jump off, the first step of getting my life back. It's hard to exercise because of my health but I've been trying so hard and my eating habits improved drastically. I don't know what my next step should be. Any ideas? I'm desperate. He said that his final decision was made after speaking to the dietian which I found odd because I know I didn't give the dietian any reason to deny my surgery. I've been on online researching and couldn't find answers or anyone else in my situation until this website. Thanks in advance for your advice. I greatly appreciate it.
yes, I'm less nervous and will try to cope with it. Hope Planquenil doesn't cause severe side effects to me. Thank you very much
Nope. I'm in no any mdication now, I just eat omega 3s, vitamin D, E, A foods and take Lupufree supplement. I also do Tai Chi with my husband every morning. The exercise is hard for me on some first days, but it helps me gain more energy after that. I think these combinations help me well. I'm not loss of energy after waking up, and can cook meals for my family. You shouldn't be worried when having side effects, as long as you have good diet and lifestyle, your disease can be improved.
Thanks for your sharing, I greatly appriciated. I'm trying to start a diet according to doctor's advice. Do you take any medication now?
For my condition, side effects were eased after reducing dose of Plaquenil. I think each person has different treatment, you should follow your rheumatologist instrcution. Dealing with lupus by healthy diet is a great way. My disease is also improved by good diet, healthy lifestyle and supplements. When I was nervous because of lupus flares, another person showed me the way to overcome them. Now, I also share my experience to help you cope with it easily.
thank you so much. I met my doctor yesterday, she told me to keep taking doeses as I only had mild signs of Plaquenil. She also encouraged me to add more vegetables and fruits to supply enough essentail nutrients to my body. If the signs are severe, I need to meet her again. I wonder whether your signs are relieved after reduceing doses of Plaquenil.
hi imkewar,
When taking Plaquenil, I also experience hair loss and dry eyes. Though it helps prevent lupus from getting worse, it has side effects. My rheumatologist reduced doses when I had side effects. You can ask your doctor to have good results.
Does anybody get prescribed Planquenil for lupus? The medicine seems to cause side effects. Dry eyes and itchiness begin to occur after taking it 1.5 months. I wonder whether planquenil has side effects? Does anyone have the same symptoms like me????
Yep, I used to take b12 complex and lupufree. My doctor recommended to me. I took them at the same time. In the morning I took 1 pill b12, and 1 pill lupufree in the evening. I waited for 2.5-3 months to see differences. Now, I just prevent lupus flares by diets and lifestyles, don't take suppl anymore. Hope you choose suitable ones.