Heart arrithyima(sp)
(deactivated member)
on 9/1/05 9:47 am - syracuse, NY
on 9/1/05 9:47 am - syracuse, NY
I found out yesterday that I have a heart arrthyima (the tachycardia type) A couple of weeks ago my heartbeat was so fast that I couldnt catch my breath and was feeling worn out all the time. They had me wear a holter monitor (portable ekg) home for a couple of days and did my blood work. So they have got me on a Beta-blocker and an anti-adrenlin drug. It seems to be working I am feeling pretty good today
Dose anyone else have this problem ?

Have avoided the diagnosis so far... but have had some tachycardia. Sometimes I have noticed that it usually happens when my potassium is low.... have you had labs recently??? Also, is your rheumatologist involved in these decisions... I have found that sometimes a little low dose (10 or less) steroids seems to wipe this out... and that it is the side effect of pericarditis or something else lupus related???
Good luck.... Hang in there diva!
Hi dreadlocdiva,
You may have what I have...POTS. Check out potsplace.com and see for yourself. contact me at [email protected] if you have further questions. I am pretty close to an expert on this now.
I have been on beta-blockers for almost 2 years. I was having frequent runs of PVC's. I take Beta Pace, 80 mg 3 times a day now. I have been on 7 different kinds of beta blockers in the last 18 months.
However I also suffer from bradicardia, low heartrate. I had a pacemaker put in 1 year ago. If my HR drops below 60, the pacemaker steps in and takes over. Before I had the pacemeker put in, my HR was droppig down in the 20's. I have had many trying things going on in my life, over the last 2 years. For now if seems like the heart is the one thing under control. Thank goodness!
Good luck! I hope the beta blocker has been working!