Welcome to the ObesityHelp Lupus Forum Message Board
Hi Erin,
I've gotta tell you it hasn't been easy! I've been taking Mobic (15ml) per day sometimes twice a day. I also have been taking Darvicet (SP) for the pain. I am in the midst of a flair up now so that explains the pain meds, I was diagnosed with lupus 2 years ago, went through a rough 6-9 months, and then it went into remission thanks to the anti-malarial drugs.
I have been making some MAJOR adjustments in my life recently, job change is in the works, I should start my new (less stress), job in two-three weeks, so in the mean time Friday was my last day with my current employer, so I will have a couple weeks of down time before begining my new position.
I have cut way back on my social life, which has been rough, but it's been much needed, I haven't been going out it's just to much strain on the body right now. I honestly have to say I am so greatful for this surgery, the last time I went through this I was 127 pounds heavier and was absolutly misserable. On the upside, I'm not dealing with the hair loss like I did last time, as well the lupus sore's aren't anywhere what they were before as well.
I have been rambling here and just looked at the clock, I need to run but will chat with you soon!
I hope you are doing well, take care of you!!!!