I don't have lupus...BUT I have heard something about likelihood of developing may increase after WLS? Is that right or just a myth? The reason I'm asking is that I have a strong family mother and two aunts have had lupus for many years now. Other members of my family as well as myself have blood tests and such that are indictive of lupus and although I've had past flares of SOMETHING I've never been diagnosed with it. Has anyone else experienced this?
I was diagnosed after having surgery but believe it was lying in wait. I have a family history of other types of autoimmune diseases and have had raynauds for a long time and guilluame Barre in the past. The rheumatologist does think the surgery did cause a flare but did not cause the disease. Thank goodness plaquenil has gotten it back under control.
on 5/8/15 8:23 am, edited 5/11/15 3:01 am
Karin, I know this site is really for Bariatrics and I did have RNY surgery on 24 March 2015, but my real question is; I had an ANA Titer test done and it came back positive. My PCP is sending me to a Reumatologist (I have an apt on Tue). Can you please tell me what I might be able to expect now? Are there more blood tests or does the reumatologist here your syptoms and base a diagnosis off of them and the postive ANA Titer? Thanks for your help!!!
There were some other blood tests as well as going over symptoms. My original diagnosis was mctd and then added the lupus. Seems like each time I go another thing is added! This time after bone scan was osteoporosis. Lost nearly an inch this year despite taking calcium. Fatigue is major. Most pain is centered around shoulders and midback to hips. Winter months are most difficult. Warmer weather is so much better. I am now taking plaquenil which does help but it takes time to begin to be effective. Lupus is nasty because you look okay even when you are feeling horrible. Hope your rheumatologist figures it out because it can be other autoimmune diseases. A positive ana can be indicative of other things going on. Lots of other blood tests can rule in/out other diseases. Let me know how you make out.
on 5/8/15 2:35 pm, edited 5/8/15 2:37 pm
Karin, thank you for your response. This past Dec I was diagnosed with ideopathic intracranial hypertention (IIH) a neurological disease when your ceribal spinal fluid pressure is to high in your skull. I look normal but the head pain is horrible, there is daily pain it just has different levels of pain throught the day. They are testing me for Lupus because IIH can be a secondary disease of Lupus. My neck, shoulders, and back always hurt, it would probably be easier to say what doesn't always hurt verses what does hurt. When in the sun my face gets bright red, I get sores on and in my mouth or even my nose. I'm constantly exhausted not tired but exhausted. I work but if I've done to much I will get sick for rest. Once I get home from work I am to tired to do anything else, the weekends are my recoup time/sleep time just to get enough rest to work the next week. It's been like this for a very long time, I just always chalked it up to "its my body" maybe I might find out why, not that I want Lupus but at least it will let me know why I am the way I am and not because I'm lazy. Anyways I will keep you posted. Thanks so much for your response!
on 5/15/15 10:59 am
Thank You for all the info. I was diagnosed with Lupus at my doc apt, she is running more bloodwork to see if there is anything else going on along with the lupus. I was put on Plaquenil and will go back at the end of next month to see how it is helping. I wish I could get past this damn exhaustion, it sure doesn't help when I'm at work. Well, anyways I just wanted to say thank you for the info. Hope you have a good weekend.
I am glad you have some answers, and I hope the Plaquenil helps you as much as it did me. It did take almost a full six months before it was really working. I woke up one morning and thought, "Wow, I don't feel horrible... I think I actually feel good..." It was the craziest thing. I didn't even realize how bad I felt until I started feeling good. I had felt bad for so long (like 11 years). Good luck to you!

RNY - 8/12/2013