Going to have surgery
I want to have the lap band surgery.. I have lupus, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis,sleep apenia, and other health problems.... Can any of you give me any ideas as to whether I should have the surgery? have any of you had major problems after the surgery?
I think (hope) the surgery would help to imprve my health overall.
Thanks for any & all input!!!
Since you have lupus and fibro, I would suspect you have a good rheumatologist in your corner. If you don't, you must have some awesome PCP. I would first and foremost, have a discussion with the rheumatologist. If he/she is onboard with you having weight loss surgery, then you are good to go.
Second, you may want to reconsider the lap-band as your surgery of choice. You have autoimmune disease and you would be putting a foreign body in your body. Not the wisest choice. While I never wanted the lap band, I did some reading on it, and the manufacturer's literature specifically stated not to get a lap band if you had a history or family history of autoimmune disease. That said, the first surgeon I consulted with was more than willing to do a lap band on me as an "off-label" usage. Also, there are many people on these boards with lupus and other autoimmune diseases who have had the lap band and had no issues what-so-ever. Again, it's something to discuss with the doctors...first the rheumie, and then a surgeon. You might be better off with the sleeve or RNY. If you go for RNY, you won't be able to take NSAIDS or steroids. Disclaimer on that statement, I was told for a short period of time with the use of proton-pump inhibitors, it would be okay. The sleeve doesn't restrict your drugs. I would also recommend staying away from the DS surgery. There is a higher risk of kidney issues and you are already at risk for kidney issues due to the lupus (if you don't have kidney issues already). Speaking of kidney, if a nephrologist is already part of your medical team, you would want to consult him/her about the surgery as well. Actually, I would recommend consulting any specialist who is involved with your autoimmune issues about surgery.
I had RNY in May 2009. Before surgery, I lost 70 pounds. Since surgery I've lost 130-140-ish (I'm sort of stuck at the moment...and I would partially blame that on my lupus). Best thing I could have done for myself. Lately, I'm having issues with pain and fatigue...otherwise, I go to the gym religiously 5x/week, eat small portions, high protein, low carb, low fat, low calories, etc, etc, etc
I'm sure there is more I'm missing that I should mention, but I'm exhausted and not thinking well. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Thanks for all the replies and sorry it took me so long to reply.