6 1/2 month post op - Frusterated and Discouraged
It will be 7 months on the 16th of this month since I've had my surgery. I am down 141 lbs. which is great. Please don't get me wrong, I haven't been this small since ...Oh gosh since I was 12! But the problem that I am running into is that I have reached a plateau ...for the last 2 months. I am at my wits end with it. I feel as if I am doing everything right, vitamins every day, plenty of protien, exercise every day and still the scale just stays. I finally had to take my scale over to a friends house because I was becoming compulsive about it and it was making me crazy! I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by a number of people in my life that have had the surgery, however I have been the only one with a really rough time with the whole thing. I have some major issues eating. I am never hungry, and I am begining to think it is a pure mental block and not a physical one. I really dislike eating, I am still at the point where there isn't a lot I can eat that does agree with me. I feel so discouraged. I logically asses that I have to eat to continue to lose weight, but a majority of the time I don't, I just can't bring myself to. Most of the people that I am around and that I've talked to don't seem to have this problem at all. Another common problem that I have is hair loss. I know that this is a very common problem, and the last time I talked to my doctor about it... 3 months ago ... he said that it would work itself out in a month or two. I have had such a signifcant loss in my hair that I am more self-consious of my hair than my body. I was ok with it at first, but it is really starting to bother me. Has anyone else had a similar experince? I am just at the end of my rope tonight. Sorry I just feel the need to vent, hoping to find someone that can offer advice, tips or just plain ol words of encouragement. Thank you for listening !!!!!
hi there Rebecca,
I wish I could help you out. It sounds as though you might need to talk with a dietician and or a phsycologist. I'm feeling very bummed tonight. I ate easter candy tonight, the first time I wasted a day since surgery eating like an asshole, hating myself for it. I'm trying to get my self back on track.
Hi...I haven't had my surgery yet, but I wanted to give you some insight on hair loss. I know it occurs when you aren't taking in the proper amount of vitamins that your body requires. Since you're not eating very much, that may be the problem. Think about taking suppliments. Also, do some Yoga, stretching exercises and or brief walking to get yourself out of the plateo. Incorporate exercises that you're not currently doing..variety sometimes helps. Fortunately, there are some really cool bandanas out there...try a couple on. All of this will get better. Don't worry.
Hi Rebecca..
wow..you get the gold star for honesty and openness...!!! I really want to encourage you to go back and see your surgeon. I think it's common for all of us from time to time to stop losing weight for a time....but if you really are not eating much and you have stopped losing weight for 2 months, there may be something he can do. Maybe you should have your lab work done...check your levels.
Remember, when we "starve" ourself and don't put calories in...the body thinks you are going to die and it holds onto everything it has...it's the survivor-instinct-thing. That's why fad diets of very low intake don't work... I want to encourage you to up the protien. You need protien to lose weight. Average is 60-70 grams a day...count yours and up it some..keep a log of what you really are eating and count up calories, protien grams and WATER. Maybe you can find a protien shake that you like that can help you get the calories/protien in...often times they have sample packs at the nutrient store....I have a friend at the support group that was stuck at a plateau...and she started having a second protien shake for lunch...had one for breakfast and then ate her dinner normally...she's 2 yrs post op..but it was the trick to get her going again..
Check into Biotin for your hair loss...it's a vitamin nutrient that can assist us with the hair loss..I think it even comes in a shampoo too...I'm 3 1/2 months post op and I'm noticing alot of hair in the comb in the morning..
I would keep a food log..exercise log...for a few weeks and get back to the surgeon or to a knowlegable nutritionist... they should be able to help guide you...with specifics..
Best wishes...