RollTideRoll’s Posts

on 6/3/10 1:57 pm
Topic: RE: Dr. Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes
I was just posting this because I've had more people than I thought, write me and let me know how much their sorry and how they are praying. My momma is one of the nicest people out there, I wish that we can individually meet each and every person on this website that are planning on going to Dr. Almanza. I wish I could take you guys through a normal day in my life now that everything has messed up in my life. Going through my last summer as a high school student. I can't have fun... I won't have fun. I want justice to be served!!! I want to save someone's life. Please this is NO JOKE!! I wake up everyday and I think and pray about anybody who's in or going into surgery with Dr. Almanza... I pray for you guys. I don't even know you guys. My mom has been in ICU on a ventilator for 7 days now... my best friend... I can't go see her whenever I want to anymore... visiting hours are precise. My mom won't be able to see the 17th Anniversary of me arriving in this world, because she's too busy going through something that shouldn't have ever happened!!! DOCTORS MAKE MISTAKES... BUT WHAT KIND OF DOCTOR MAKES MISTAKES OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.. Yes, you might have had a WONDERFUL experience... but listen to the stories people.. just because you were lucky DOES NOT mean that everybody else was. There are many people around the United States and Canada that are dealing with their friends and/or family members DYING with deadly infections, holes in stomachs, esophagus, etc. You guys keep telling your friends to go.... and eventually, you are going to go through what me and my family and plenty other families are going through right now. I'm not trying to harsh Dr. Almanza's "mellow".... I am truly, honestly, and dedicative to preventing as many people from going to this doctor as possible. Please spend the extra money and getting done by someone who is, not only cheap and kind, but dedicated to helping you. Not a doctor who is just going to WHAM BAM over and never see you post-op (to many people). Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE..... I am not doing this to get back at Dr. Almanza or anybody that is working over there just because they've done this to my momma. I am doing this to prevent YOU from ever going through something like this. It IS NOT FUN.
Love always and forever,
on 6/1/10 6:01 am
Topic: RE: The Negatives of Dr. Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes
Around late August, early September of 2009, my momma and I went to get the gastric lapband surgery in Tijuana, Mexico. We didn't got there because of the low prices. My mom wanted me to get this surgery done so that I can live my teenage life without weight problems, and feel more comfortable doing so. I had just turned sixteen years old when I got this surgery, so there weren't many places around the United States that would do a weightloss surgery on a child. When we got to the Recovery House, the people working their were eating breakfast and everyone was just talking to eachother. When we went in for surgery, it didn't even look like a hospital, I was like... "is this it?" Anyways, we got it done and when I woke up, my mom and I were hurting pretty bad, but I guess that's normal. We went to the recovery house about an hour later. Our stay at the recovery house was pretty good, as well. When we were in pain, they gave us this "strong" tylenol. They sprayed our stomachs with a bottle of water (not to mention I found the exact bottles at Walmart last month for 97 cents). We were sent home with no medications. Life went on and when we realized it didn't work good, we went to a doctor close by to get a fill done. My mom's was pretty easy to get through. When they stuck the needle in my stomach, they couldn't find the port. They took multiple X-rays, and realized that it was tilted in my stomach. They finally got it. We went home, and a few weeks later, a hole started to form on my momma's stomach. This hole kept getting deeper and bigger. She finally set up to go back to Mexico to get the lapband removed and a gastric sleeve instead. While she was down there, the first day was used up to make sure nothing serious was going on. The next day she had the surgery, and she probably stayed there for two or more days. On the airplane ride back, she was in severe pain and had to be layed down on the ground. When she finally got home, I had to take her to the Emergency Room right away. The doctors did surgery on her right away and found 5 absces, pnemonia in her right lung, and a hole IN the actual stomach. She was in the hospital for 3 months and finally got to come home. She had to go to the hospital two more times after that, and on the second time, they kept her overnight and had to take her to the Intensive Care Unit. She is, now, in the ICU as I'm writing this and is on a venilator due to difficulty breathing, high temperatures, and nausea. We tried to get our money back, because we signed up for their insurance thing, but they denied it and said that we had to come ALLLLLL the way back to Mexico to get it fixed if we wanted our insurance thing. How could we make it back if my momma was so sick that she had to stay in the hospital for 3 months? This has been the worst experience of my whole life. Please pray for my momma.
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