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Sorry to hear you had so much trouble, that had to be scary. Hang in there, keep us posted on how your doing.

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
Nice M,
I am so sorry to hear what you have been through with your Surgeries. I worry alot about many different things happening to my body as well as my health. I have been lucky the times I have had my slip we only took the fluid out and after a few weeks of taking it easy the band slipped back in place on it's on. I live with the knowledge that one day I will have to have the been taken out or that something will happen to it all together. When that day comes I'll cross that bridge because I'm not a candidate for any other type of surgery along the weight loss lines. I have severe PTSD and therefore have been told the lap band was the only procedure I can at that time and most likely ever will be able to have because of the that..
I have been truly lucky and blessed in so many ways with everything that I've been able to accomplish while having had this procedure as I said before this is a tool that was given to me to help me get where I needed to be but realistically and granted this is just my way of thinking it is all my doing if I stay this way on with or without the band.
As well as after having skin removal surgery just a few months ago now that my body is finally getting a little bit back to normal in a manner of words. To do anything I can keep myself healthy and to not put on what I was so lucky to have had the opportunity and the means of having it taken off.
So glad to hear this. I had mine done July 26. From the day I got my surgery date I have lost 23 lbs. I had a few complications due to previous surgery so I had to stay 3 nights in the hospital instead of overnight.
The band is positioned toward the top of the stomach and touches the diaphragm. There's really no way around it unless they put the band down really low on the stomach and then it would be incorrectly positioned. The diaphragm is shaped like a parachute and separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity in the ventral cavity. Either the top portion of your stomach or the band itself is going to touch the diaphragm. When you get your band filled, you might experience inflammation. Or it could be overfilled and damaging the nerves.
You might be overfilled if it affects your ability to breathe. I'd give your doc a call and see what he or she thinks. Sometimes it loosens up on its own, but you don't want to go too long with it too tight.
It's better to be on the conservative side with fills rather than too tight.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
thank you was concerned with the bruise glad its normal.
I think its not so much that it presses on my diaphragm i think its
my tummy pressing on it when i breath in and out. Its only
my first fill?
bypass/ lap banded
310/169/? 228/207/??
It hurts when you breathe in and out because the band is affecting your diaphragm. It shouldn't hurt to breathe. You might need to get some fluid out of the band. It's normal to bruise, though. I was always black and blue and yellow and green on my stomach. Every time I tried to get the band filled, it would cause unbearable pain, trouble breathing, and make the already ever-present left shoulder pain even worse.
Yes, you should be concerned. The longer your band is in contact with the diaphragm and specifically the Vagus nerves, the more damage it causes.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Ok i had my first fill friday and of course i carry a lot of my weight
in the stomach. I have a very large bruise
and now today when i breath in and out it hurts?
should i be concerned?
bypass/ lap banded
310/169/? 228/207/??
I had a band over my gastric bypass on june 15, 2016... i regained
in my 11 years about 60 lbs.
So far banded i lost 16 lbs
bypass/ lap banded
310/169/? 228/207/??
My band is gone. I'm scared, but knowing what was happening to my body from it is really frightening.
I hadn't been feeling well for 10 days. I went to the ER and by the symptoms that thought is was my gallbladder. I was admitted and surgery scheduled for the same evening. The surgeon that was able to to my surgery also practices bariatrics. We briefly spoke in pre-OR. My labs led him to believe there was more than just my gallbladder infected.
Surgery was to be 1.5 hours. They awakened me 4.5 hours later.
When the surgeon scoped my stomach he could see that a lot of the band had eroded Into the stomach. From outside the stomach, he started cleaning off the abscess that had form, with gunk trailing down the fill line, heading for the port. Once he cleared some of it, he discovered a once inch hold in the stomach, which was by then flowing abscess and infection through the abdominal cavity. Thru the laproscopic incisions, they had to clean and flush over and over
So now here I am, in the hospital, day 6 of a probable 7.
There are already millions of bacteria in the abdominal cavity, and now all of the infection caused from the eroded lap bans. Treatment plan is currently IV antibiotics lots of them to hit all the major strains. Labs show it is a strep. No food or drin****il tests show the stomach is healed not leaking, which could be a few more days.
I'm allowed ice chips, as few as possible. Once discharged from the hospital I will be self administering IV antibiotics for the next 8 weeks!!
I had always been the once to be positive about the band, it worked well for me with a total weight loss of 140 pounds.
So not sure what to do next. I'm pretty used to how I've been eating to be at the weight I am, and hopefully won't need any other WL surgery. Time and effort will tell.
I just have to ask this question. You don't have to answer, if you don't want to.
Are you concerned about having multiple surgeries at all? I have so much scar tissue and so many adhesions from the multiple corrective band surgeries I had and they really cause a lot of discomfort. My last colonoscopy was a nightmare since the doctor had trouble moving the scope through due to adhesions. I just wonder in cases like yours where you've had not just one but two slips if you've thought about how dangerous undergoing surgery truly is... or does it not bother you? Did your surgeon recommend a revision at any time rather than fixing the slips? Or did you even have to have surgery to repair the band slips? I know some "fix" themselves by unfilling the band sometimes.
Wishing you continued success with the band.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI